Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Beginners Questions. Please r/o...

      Hi Everybody

      I've just began to stroll around in Garendall, and after three days I'm a little bit confused.
      -Where should I go first?
      -to the lumberjacks?
      -to the south, to find Emilius Book?
      -In the Cavern with the blue spiders?
      -What is that thing, with the termite? One of them, have a "blue ring" around sometimes, but I couldn't speak to her??
      -Who's the entry to the mill in Fantrima?
      -Why didn't tell me the druide in Learning Tree nothing about my journalentrys with the Questionmark? In fact: he says nothing to me ..... ????

      Thanks for any help : )

      Best Regards

    • While not engraved in stone, a good way to start is follow your quest lines. At the
      beginning you should have one quest, which is to warn the garrisons and to find the
      mayor of fantrima. The mayor gives you a quest to find the druid, and Septempris(sp?)
      gives you a quest to "rescue someone who needs rescuing."

      I'd recommend going to see the druid first. This will give you approximately enough
      gold and experience to be able to take on goblins without problems(by the time you get
      there and back, and are able to purchase better weapons/armor, that is). The druid will
      then give you a quest to locate a book, which you will have to return to Fantrima to
      learn its whereabouts. From Fantrima you can learn about the person who needs rescuing,
      as well as where the book is located. You should be approximately strong enough to do
      both quests, so go ahead and complete them.

      Septempris then gives you a quest to the ghost swamp, and the druid tells you to get the
      bridge finished. Yadda yadda yadda.

      There are side quests and things to do, but from the experiences I've had, if you follow
      the quest lines, they are fairly well structured to get you the experience/gold in order
      to complete the next available one.

      Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

    • First quest I'd recommend is to go visit Septemris(in the screen just south of Frantrima), and do his quest, it will raise your stats. Of course there's lots of stuff after that, but that's a good beginning.


    • OK
      Thanks to both of you

      The next I will do, is to draw my Screensnaped Maps to paper and write down all the quest I have yet and all my notes too.
      But what is it with the termites? I pay 100 goldpieces for it and nothing happens. Why the blue ring around one of them? Strange...

      Greetings Shoplifter

      Best Regards