Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Originally posted by lynkali:
      As do I (9.1 as well) , but I can't even launch the saved game from the Finder if PoG is running at all (no matter where I'm at, if PoG is running, I get the non-registered screen) -- this means every time I want to load a saved game, I have to quit PoG and launch it anew via a saved game. Is this everyone else's experience as well?

      I don't know, I can't figure out how to get out to the finder without quitting the game anyway. :redface:

      The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. --Socrates
      Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. --Thomas Edison
      Lack of will power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability. -- Flowers A. Newhouse

    • I've got two myself. Unregistered Full Version OS 9.0.4(I registered it today though)

      Whenever i shoot(w/ a bow) east or west the next shot and consecutive shots 'drop' to the southeast and southwest in those respective orders.

      And when I enter the Learning Tree(maybe only the first time after each opening of PoG) the Ground Data(?) doesn't get loaded and I get graphics echoes or character paths.
      My guy, the monks, the chandelier, the sparklies, the chest and the status bar leave their images on an all black backround.

      Both of these are playable but ackward.

      "Treat animals just like they're people"
      "But, we don't even treat people right."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Galloglas:
      **After playing for some time I ran into a graphical bug. I had been playing for at least an hour and I went to the blacksmith and instead of seeing the whole trade screen all that was drawn was the inventory contents. I was able to repeat the bug several times.

      The Fatrima map is memory hog. I found if i kept playing, eventually the Automap and other merchant window's backgrounds wouldn't load either in Fatrima. Restarting would also help.


      Originally posted by MCroft:
      **Full version, unregistered on OS X, I cannot open saved games from inside the program. If I attempt to do so, I get the registration restriction screen, even if I have saved the game right after starting.
      Workaround is to lauch the saved game files in the finder.

      (EDIT)Oop, i just read that topic. I kinda wondered why you couldn't go anywhere and couldn't load a saved game in the full version. That was worse than the demo restrictions.


      Originally posted by Kanddak:
      I don't know, I can't figure out how to get out to the finder without quitting the game anyway.

      (command)+F toggles the full screen
      (command)+M toggles the music

      "Treat animals just like they're people"
      "But, we don't even treat people right."

      (This message has been edited by TIE187 (edited 08-29-2001).)

      (This message has been edited by TIE187 (edited 08-29-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by TIE187:
      And when I enter the Learning Tree(maybe only the first time after each opening of PoG) the Ground Data(?) doesn't get loaded and I get graphics echoes or character paths.
      My guy, the monks, the chandelier, the sparklies, the chest and the status bar leave their images on an all black backround.

      I had this problem, and it's just a memory problem. If you give PoG 100000K It should work.


      (url="http://"")R & R software(/url)

    • I have no music on the plains of endless wind. This seems like an omission.

      It also might be nice to have sound effects from combat.

      I get hit less often when using a bow, than a sword + shield.

      It is difficult to quit the game on OS X. The app should just quit. I have already registered. I dont need to see the shareware screen on quit anymore.

      I would like to be able to adjust the volume of the music.

      There is a well, SE of the PoEW by the farm ruins, that you can walk right over in a way that doesn't seem right.

      The game can be slow to respond to a mouse click on the travelling tunnel map.

      Ian Ollmann, Ph.D.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by iano:
      I have no music on the plains of endless wind. This seems like an omission.


      the sound track for the plains is not music but wind.

      |(url="http://"")Mac Game Files(/url)|(url="http://"")Inside Mac Games(/url)

    • Full version, unregistered, on a PPC 9600/233 running OS 8.6 + CarbonLib 1.3, 176megs of ram with 100 megs allocated to POG, running in full screen mode:

      The game locks up seemingly anytime I save the game more than twice. Ie, the first two
      times I save the game while playing it saves just fine. If I attempt to save a third
      time the "menu bar" appears at the top, albeit minus any menu options(ie, just a white
      bar across the top) and the game halts. The cursor changes to a clock, and I can
      move the mouse around, but nothing responds. Only thing I am able to do is force quit
      Garendal, reboot the computer, and then start it back up. Then I can save twice more.

      Originally I was running with 70megs allocated to POG, and figured it was a memory space
      problem, so I upped it to 100 megs, but this didn't solve the aforementioned problem. I
      believe I can work around the problem by quitting the game after the 2nd save, and then
      restarting the game(since by force quitting it requires that I reboot the computer, as POG is unaccessible until I do that), but I haven't attempted this yet.

      I made a correction above after re-testing over my lunch break. The curser does change to
      a clock and then lags indefinitely(I waited approximately 5 minutes before killing the
      process). Previously I stated that the curser stayed as a mouse pointer, which was

      Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

      (This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 08-31-2001).)

    • Using the demo version, unregistered, G3/350, OS 10.0.4, dual-monitors, Radeon PCI as primary, Rage Pro secondary.

      When I run in full screen mode, I get sound, but just a black screen. I can't find the buttons, so I have to re-boot the computer...

    • I have the same problem as mentioned above with the game freezing during saves. I, too, am running MacOS 8.6. If this bug ever gets fixed, please post a notice to -- I am still looking forward to playing the game if it ever will run on my system.

    • I am running an iMac with system 9 and 172 RAM and 100Mb allocated to pog. oh and i have the full unregistered version.

      my problem is that when I run the program and then after 5 seconds it quits and pog has unexpectedly quit and the same thing happens when i try to open register pog
      help please :frown:

      I am the peak of human evolution.

      (This message has been edited by dude17 (edited 08-31-2001).)

    • Quote


      I have no music on the plains of endless wind. This seems like an omission.

      the sound track for the plains is not music but wind.

      The problem seems to be that there are no sound effects or ambient sounds of any kind on OS X. The only thing that plays are the mp3s.

      Ian Ollmann, Ph.D.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Micko:
      **After playing the demo for a bit, I've experienced a few hangs whilst trying to save (and maybe load?) games. Anyways nothing happened for a minute or two, so I forced quit out of PoG. This hasn't happed consistently however. Running OS 8.6, Beige G3. Anyone else seen this?

      I get this bug too. It seems to be related to having multiple copies of various items (once it was caused by having 4 Forest Mushrooms) or just having too many items, period. I try to strategically limit my inventory, only stocking up on healing potions when I'm about to go vanquish a particularly tough baddie. It's still a pain, because when you try to save next to the baddie's cave/lair/tomb/whatever, there's always the chance the game will hang, and you'll have to walk the sixteen million plodding miles all over again.

    • I've got two more.

      In the "grumble" tree on the first level the "grumble" expert doesn't know about termite or termites.

      The game doesn't report disk full on attempted save under 9.1 and I lost my last 4 saves to this. If you save often it eats up disk space, but finding out that your 'backups' aren't is harsh. I only lost about 45 minutes, but ouch. It looked like it was saving, and didn't report an error, it only created a 4k file each time in the space left.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by TIE187:
      Whenever i shoot(w/ a bow) east or west the next shot and consecutive shots 'drop' to the southeast and southwest in those respective orders.

      Any ideas on this one? We've noticed over at my casa too... what's up with it? A bug, or just the way those bows work... although I doubt it was intended...

      Anyhow, great game. Much fun.


    • It looks like andrews going to have to eat a whole lot of bugs at the next macexpo :eek: , or did you withdraw the ''releases bugs/eats bugs'' statement that you made a while ago? 😉


    • I can't pick up the Divine Lamp without the game immediately crashing. This seems like a rather serious bug.

    • Don't get me wrong POG is an awesome game but the amount of bugs has almost made playing the game not fun. Maybe its that I'm running 8.6, but between the graphical errors like not being able to see maps or inventory windows and the frequent crashes make it less fun to say the least.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ironhorse:
      **Don't get me wrong POG is an awesome game but the amount of bugs has almost made playing the game not fun. Maybe its that I'm running 8.6, but between the graphical errors like not being able to see maps or inventory windows and the frequent crashes make it less fun to say the least.


      Yes, those errors are not normal. You are using the latest version of CarbonLib? Have you tried giving PoG more memory?

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.
      Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

    • I too have the bow bug with it falling southward after shooting west or east.

      The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. --Socrates
      Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. --Thomas Edison
      Lack of will power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability. -- Flowers A. Newhouse

    • Cool! i just solved it. About the Bow Bug: hold the block button so you can fire in any direction without moving 🙂

      "Treat animals just like they're people"
      "But, we don't even treat people right."