Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Have you experienced any bugs?

      I have, occasionally when I try to acess the inventory by pressing "i" or when I buy something only the items are shown on the screen, not the inventory or purchase windows. Also, rarely when I press "x" to attack a foe the program doesn't respond. How about you?


    • A bug that prevents me from attacking while blocking north, northeast, northwest. Andrew couldn't reproduce it so I assume it is my keyboard.

      Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division

    • No I'm sure it's no that, I tried another key board and it didn't change.


    • When I run PoG at 1024x768 full screen, a white window appears behind and to the northwest of the PoG window.

      GameRanger SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

    • I've encountered a bug, but it may be because I'm running OS 8.5 and not 9. I open the .img, right? And then I double click on the "Pillars of Garendall (demo)" icon but it says that it won't open because "Pillars of Garendall (demo)" cannot be found. . . sigh

      I guess I will have to abstain from this game simply because I, a poor student cannot afford OS 9. Thanks a lot amrosia.

      While ignorance is bliss, intelligence is orgasmic!
      It will not come with a free set of steak knives nor will you be able to get a set of 'rock-hard abba-dabbas' in just '5 minutes a day' by playing Nova. - Frandall
      Official sexy bitch of my hometown,
      The Apolyton Lith of Wisdom,

    • After playing the demo for a bit, I've experienced a few hangs whilst trying to save (and maybe load?) games. Anyways nothing happened for a minute or two, so I forced quit out of PoG. This hasn't happed consistently however. Running OS 8.6, Beige G3. Anyone else seen this?

      ----- cut here to destroy monitor -----8<-----

    • Well, playing the demo, I was being attacked by a goblin that throws spears. I tried to attack him, but I couldn't move- my player just froze there. Then, the spears that the goblin threw just sort of continued in a loop, until my character died and I had to start over.

      Luckily, I had saved the game earlier.

      .... So, two guys walk into a bar...... the third guy ducked.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by monolith94:
      **I've encountered a bug, but it may be because I'm running OS 8.5 and not 9. I open the .img, right? And then I double click on the "Pillars of Garendall (demo)" icon but it says that it won't open because "Pillars of Garendall (demo)" cannot be found. . . sigh

      I guess I will have to abstain from this game simply because I, a poor student cannot afford OS 9. Thanks a lot amrosia.


      Just copy the game and its files to your harddrive, it will then work fine.
      (it says this on the download page)

      As for my own bug, I have had trouble saving.

      I am running OS X with 320 MB ram at 1024 X 768
      I am using the full version, unregistered.

      Whenever i click save or hit command-s, the mouse cursor disappears, it is still functional, but invisible.

      This persists until I hide and show PoG.
      The only solution i have found is to name the game differently each time and only use the keyboard.


    • After playing for some time I ran into a graphical bug. I had been playing for at least an hour and I went to the blacksmith and instead of seeing the whole trade screen all that was drawn was the inventory contents. I was able to repeat the bug several times. I could click where the leave button would be or hit the esc key and everything else was working fine. I saved, quit, and opened and the trade screen was drawn normally.

      Overall the game is a very impressive and immersive demo of what coldstone is capable of.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Galloglas:
      **After playing for some time I ran into a graphical bug. I had been playing for at least an hour and I went to the blacksmith and instead of seeing the whole trade screen all that was drawn was the inventory contents. I was able to repeat the bug several times. I could click where the leave button would be or hit the esc key and everything else was working fine. I saved, quit, and opened and the trade screen was drawn normally.

      Overall the game is a very impressive and immersive demo of what coldstone is capable of.


      Hello -
      Have you tried increasing the memory allocation for PoG? Select the application, then go to the File menu to Get Info -> Memory, and increase the preferred memory. Please let me know at if this happens again.

      David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Ironhorse:
      **No I'm sure it's no that, I tried another key board and it didn't change.


      This problem is happening on each of your machines? What kind of machine are you on?

      Does it not work at all, or does it work sporadically? Can you defend in any of those directions?

      David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Micko:
      **After playing the demo for a bit, I've experienced a few hangs whilst trying to save (and maybe load?) games. Anyways nothing happened for a minute or two, so I forced quit out of PoG. This hasn't happed consistently however. Running OS 8.6, Beige G3. Anyone else seen this?


      Have you found any problems with the saved games this happened in?

      When you say nothing happened, was the cursor spinning, turned to a clock --- anything?

      David Dunham / tech support / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • Got one we're discussing in another thread. I don't know if this is specific to OS X, but it's repeatable.

      Full version, unregistered on OS X, I cannot open saved games from inside the program. If I attempt to do so, I get the registration restriction screen, even if I have saved the game right after starting.

      Workaround is to lauch the saved game files in the finder.

      I'll be happy when it's fixed, but it's not a hardship.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by MCroft:
      **Got one we're discussing in another thread. I don't know if this is specific to OS X, but it's repeatable.

      Full version, unregistered on OS X, I cannot open saved games from inside the program. If I attempt to do so, I get the registration restriction screen, even if I have saved the game right after starting.

      Workaround is to lauch the saved game files in the finder.

      I'll be happy when it's fixed, but it's not a hardship.

      I have the same thing, I however am using 9.1 not X.

      The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. --Socrates
      Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. --Thomas Edison
      Lack of will power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability. -- Flowers A. Newhouse

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Kanddak:
      **I have the same thing, I however am using 9.1 not X.


      As do I (9.1 as well) , but I can't even launch the saved game from the Finder if PoG is running at all (no matter where I'm at, if PoG is running, I get the non-registered screen) -- this means every time I want to load a saved game, I have to quit PoG and launch it anew via a saved game. Is this everyone else's experience as well?

      I'm waiting for my reg. code, so hopefully this will only be an issue for a day or two, but I'm really getting sick of waiting for the game to launch each time. Ugh.

      Otherwise I'm totally enthralled, though!


    • I got a bug for ya!
      when you click in the right spot in the game window when the statistics window is open theres a hot spot that messes up your stats. Its right of the dexterity stat.
      heres a movie: (url="http://"")http://homepage.mac....ileSharing.html(/url)
      its the PoG movie in Etc. folder.

      |(url="http://"")Mac Game Files(/url)|(url="http://"")Inside Mac Games(/url)

      (This message has been edited by ArcAngel Counterstrike (edited 08-29-2001).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
      **I got a bug for ya!
      when you click in the right spot in the game window when the statistics window is open theres a hot spot that messes up your stats. Its right of the dexterity stat.
      heres a movie: http://homepage.mac....ileSharing.html
      its the PoG movie in Etc. folder.


      I have reproduced this bug.

      The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
      (url="http://"")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"")Spaceport Bar Forums(/url)

    • Hello poor student. Drop me a line, and I'll hook you up with a complete copy of OS 9. I've got the 9.1 disk from OS X, and will gladly turn it use for a little bit of scratch. If you're THAT poor, we'll negotiate on this.

      Matthew Z.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by David Dunham:
      **Have you found any problems with the saved games this happened in?

      When you say nothing happened, was the cursor spinning, turned to a clock --- anything?


      I didn't have any trouble loading the games again once I restared PoG. Nothing happened = cursor turns into watch, but then nothing (no mouse freeze or anything like that).

      ----- cut here to destroy monitor -----8<-----

    • Not a chance on selling me OS 9!!! I'm perfectly happy where I am thank you VERY much!

      Anywyas I copied the game to disc and I STILL got the same error. . . C'est la vie. Always destined to suffer am I.

      While ignorance is bliss, intelligence is orgasmic!
      It will not come with a free set of steak knives nor will you be able to get a set of 'rock-hard abba-dabbas' in just '5 minutes a day' by playing Nova. - Frandall
      Official sexy bitch of my hometown,
      The Apolyton Lith of Wisdom,