Guess who read this topic from start to finish!! ME!!
Also I prefer it being called bubble tech because it hase nothing to do with quantum anything!
Hardslab turns around and there he sees standing a very large alien, greenish in color.
"Hello friend." He sayes with great sorrow. "My name Raft, in your language anyway."
"What do you whant!" Hardslab quickly answers!
"Your help!"
"Really!" Hardslab answered with scepticism!
After several minutes Raft explains that he is from a reletivly large colony of spiritual Cerebrits who think that the rulers of their savage nation are too blood thirsty to understand the needs of their people! The Cerebrits have been ruled by the Cerebrus long enough!
"What do you propose?" Hardslab answers!
"You shuold know that the Cerebrits are very mentaly developed race posesing great power, power they have been hiding from the Cerebrus!" added Raft.
"What are you proposing?" Hardslab asked with annoyance!
"As you know the Cerebrus are attacking all surrounding races! We have also been working on technology to battle the Cerebrus, but we have reason to suspect that they are on to us, so now would be as good a time as ever to unleash our wrath upon them!"
"I see! An allie? Tell me more!" Hardslab replied!
"We have a capable stirke force, fifty heavy fighters! If every race sends a strike force into various parts of Cerebrus space we would be able to stop them!"
"Raft your idea is... ineresting! Do you whant to come with me to the Ceantaur HQ and discuss this issue further!"
"Why not"....
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