Well, to sum it up, early on, I wasn't having so much trouble with money, but now I get to Berglum, and what do I see? Tons (literally) of expensive armor, weapons, fancy elvish gear, &tc.;
I could probably do this the hard way, a.k.a. kill many little guys, & get the regular small amounts of gold they drop. However, I was chatting to ArcAngel Counterstrike on IRC last night, and his words were something to the effect of, "yeah, you can get elixers that boost your stats, first get 2M gold coins"...
Me: "did you say two million coins?
AA: yep.
Therefore, there has to be some way to get coins, other than killing enemies left and right. (I say this because PoG hasn't been out for a year, so AA could have added drops of 30-40 gold ad infinitum...:p)
What is this magical source of moolah? Can you file for chapter 11 Bankruptcy in PoG?
If you can't answer this, than anyways; What are your fav. sources of money in PoG? Do you favor small easy critters that drop only a little gold, but don't tax the potion supply? Or are you the type that likes a challange, and just has to finish that earth golem off, (which by the way drains me of most of my health potions
Financially strapped,
"They commited suicide by jumping from their egos onto their IQs."