Skyblade, not perfect? /me falls over and takes a few minutes to get up. Good gracious, if you're not perfect, than that must mean that there's no Santa, or Tooth Fairy, or Easter Bunny, or or or, anything magic. My whole world has collapsed in a few of your words......
Seriously now, no, I haven't made any sprites yet, I just was toying around with Infini-D last night and realized that that Spin2.0 thing would work after doing some preliminary testing.
So, how goes Saber Studios? What are you plans for it? Any expansion? New sections etc.? Are you going to start charging like your parents said?
I had a flash of inspiration the other day, but it will take a while to finish it. You know how I had said before I wanted to start a graphics website that did custom graphics? I still want to do that, but I want a special section dedicated to Mechs and Walkers. Hudson has given me some great help by posting his Walker on the gallery and answering my questions, I just need to get to work building my first walker and articulating it so that I can animate it. I can't think of a name for it at the moment, maybe WalkerWorks? EVula isn't hosting any more websites,
right? He had said that before on, but then David Arthur got a site for his mission editor so now I'm not so sure. However, if I couldn't get space on, where could I? Free sites on f2s is closing down, and was slow anyways, and iTools is great for pictures, but not that great for making custom websites. Any ideas? I've got to give you some competion pretty soon or you'll be taken to court on Monopoly of the EV graphics industry.
That's all for now.... I'll be gone during Saturday, so if anything happens in BFS, you can control my fleet, that is, if you are still going to play.
You would have to be ignorant, derranged, demented, or dead to turn down the oppurtunity to fly an Azdara.
(url="http://"") Saber Studios (/url)-Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.