after i took the book back from the thief near fantrima (i killed the guy, didnt pay him), i went to the crypt place east of the witches finger.
i looked through the whole place and killed the thieves, and hit the button thats in their room.
what does that button do? i didnt find anything very useful in that crypt but im sure i should have.
same with the skull cave, whats in there?
the crypt with the thieves
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there should be a treasure chest with a significant in it... might not be there if you didn't get the quest to do it though... the button in that room lets you back out again (the door closes behind you when you enter, again possibly only if you had the quest)
"Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
-Peter da Silva -
You need the path finding skill to get the treasure in the skull cave, and you may need the second quest from the person who gives you the path finding skill to get the treasure in the crypt with the rogues. You get the pathfinding skill from a woman in the upper right of frantrima, who asks you to clear the road to gwynden(or however that's spelled) camp, so that her husband can return. After you get the quest from her you have to kill the kobold's on the road to the camp, tell her the road is clear, tell her husband he can come back, then visit her for the path finding skill, and her second quest.
In the back of the skull cave there is a secret passage with a bunch of giants in it which leads to a chest with the black dragon tooth in it. In the rogue's crypt there is a chest in the room with the rogues which contains a scroll in thief lingo. You need to take the scroll back to the woman in frantrima to learn the skill awareness.