Originally posted by Azdara Ace:
**Quote from the official rules:
Fleets can move up to three systems per post.
That right there voids the entire battle, unless the rules have changed.
Maybe the pricing is wrong, but it's not my fault. Facts don't lie, and Crickets outgun Interceptors. Dreden tech is basically just as powerful as Alien.
Also, you and Grundy took only minimal losses compared to what you did to Skyblade and me, read the battle stats given by you and Grundy. If you will read my post, you will notice that the 36th pulled back a tad in the very beginning, regrouping, and then atacking again, so I did fire first.
Again, you didn't address the fact that you and Grundy treated us like we were stupid commanders, making us lose ships by making us do stupid things in your posts.
Mac changed it to 4 a post for dredens and aliens.
yeah the pricing is bad.
I read your post, here's how it began:
"Azdara Ace immediately entered the airlock of the remaining Athena and took control of the ship, it would have to do as his command ship. He quickly sent off a message, and soon all of the remanents of the 36th were behind him. "All ships, form a tight rank and engage that carrier." The 36th's immense firepower slammed into grundulater's Carrier like a sledge hammer against a tin can. The carrier exploded, destroying some nearby and heavily damaged Alien ships. Using the explosion as cover Azdara Ace ordered the 36th to pounce on the 3 heavy cruisers. They didn't even see it coming. One of them fired back, destroying a destroyer and some fighters, but the other two could do nothing, their damage already too great."
no indication of a withdrawal at the beginning there. You just said for your ships to form a tight rank that's all.
losses: You and skyblade's losses combined following your post:
714.6 million
Mine and grundy's:
590 million
I admit that you lost more monetary wise because the liberty battlecruiser costs 320 million but that still only amounts to a difference of 124.6 million. We've seen far more outrageous battles, like the one in Verdica remember?
After your post:
you lost 27.5 million
grundy lost 294 million
total: your side lost 742.1 million
my side: 884 million
difference is now 141.6 million in your favor. If my initial stats were WAY minimal compared to yours, how is this any different?
Nevermind that, the only thing that I was really annoyed by was that you destroyed his entire goddamn fleet. His whole fleet, every single ship. God I hate it when people do that, and I'd hate to do it to you, but since you've decided not to give any back, I'm going to hit your fleet hard, but not annilhate it!
Go Red Sox! Down with the Yankees!