Mac watched as spl_cadet's fleet finally admitted defeat and jumped out of the system, leaving him only Asriel's fleet to tangle with. "Shields now up to 40%, sir," his weapons officer called. This was closely followed by "Incoming!" from sensors. Asriel had thrown most of his remaining LRBMs at the Intrepid , hoping to destroy it. The ship rocked as several salvos broke through the shielkds, but the ship did hold together - barely.
"Helm, back us away from the Pirate fleet, and get a heavy screening force in front of us. They can't have many LRBMs left, but I don't want them getting into GP Mine range. Recall all the fighters that were harassing spl-cadet, and get them back out as soon as they have full ammo."
AS the fighters began streaming back, communications chipped in. "Sir, we're receiving a group of Priority Zero messages! Three of them!"
The bridge chilled noticeably. "Read them, Lieutenant," Mac ordered.
"First is from Vice-Admiral ZenMastaT. He reports that the Pirate 19th made it to Pollux and captured it before he could engage them, but he's attacking them now and doing rather well so far."
"Not like he has much choice, given the relative fleet compositions," Mac said, smiling. "That's not so bad. The others?"
"From the capital, a report that Supreme Defense commander Veltier has been impeached. And finally, one from Kaujathat."
"Read it."
"Fleet Admiral Rak reports that one of the Alien fleets appears to have left Kaujathat, mission unknown. He's also got a good diversion ready that should allow him to break through a blockade by one fleet quite easily."
"Well, well. Good news is always a nice change. Alright, first, Priority Zero to Zen: Tell him is orders are to engage, pursue, and destroy the Pirate 19th until I give him further notice. I want that fleet destroyed. Next, let Earth know through channels that I'm appointing Fleet Admiral Rak the new Supreme Commander of Defense. Then, another Priority Zero for Rak, order him to take Kaujathat immediately, and send one of his two fleets back here to help against the Pirates if and when he judges it feasible. And add a footnote, tell him he's the new defense commander."
"Done, sir."
"All fighters have rearmed and are away."
"Good. Downgrade the alert to Red, as we're only facing one fleet now and I want to be able to receive Priority Ones for a bit. Prepare the fleet to engage again." Mac's rearmed fighters began leaping out to confront Asriel again...
Fleet stats:
1 Intrepic-class Cruiser
2 Enterprise-class Battlecruisers
1 Freedom-class Cruiser
3 Skyhawk Carriers
5 Skyblade Frigates
1 Destroyer M7s
3 Destroyer M8s
2 Hammerhead Gunboats
2 Tigershark Gunships
83 Stingrays
14 Skates
21 Devil Rays
All fighters fully rearmed
(Note: Since I'll reshuffle them at the end anyway, I've given up trying to break down the Stingrays.)
Lord Asriel:
7 Drakes
9 Deborah Gunships
52 Corvettes
4 Gunstars
3 Starscreamers
OOC: Skyblade, you think your battle has been held up, there hasn't really been a battle post on mine for about the last 60 posts. 
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")