Originally posted by Macavenger:
**If that's a list of conservative traits, maybe I'm more moderate than I thought.:p Maybe you never noticed because I only firmly disagree with two of those. Of course, that doesn't count "No opinion" on those first three issues. It's not that I don't care, I just see good and bad aspects to both sides (Never really thought of pornography as a major political issue before, either).
Yeah, that's the thing about polotics. Many conservatives disagree with their own fellow conservatives on certain issues. A never-ending arguement between parties and individuals. 
Actually, pornography has become a major political issue lately. I've gone to several Republican county fund-raisers recently, and I've noticed one of their major goals is to completely outlaw the junk. Since Bush is a Christian and conservative, I wonder if he'll ever direct his attention to the issue.
ares1: Heh, I completely understand the issue of homosexuality, which is one reason I oppose it more than ever now. Americans our day in time believe that "freedom" refers to complete access to whatever they want and wish for. The truth is, the founding fathers created the government as the Bible being the ultimate source of law. The Constitution was based on Biblical principles, which is why the liberals and democrats in Capitol Hill are doing their best to ratify each and every ammendment.
Pornography destroys. I've noticed many people declare "that it satisfies one's desires," but that's a bunch of bull. People who use junk like that to satisfy their lusts expose their lack of self discipline, and they miss out on the happy, guiltless life they could be living instead.
Bush doesn't support ilegal drugs, and he has yet to make any effort to stop it. Again, people use drugs as a source of please, and exposure to lack of self discipline.
Clinton, in my opinion, was our worst president to date. My whole family about threw up when Gore said (just following Clinton's farewell address), "we shall all remember William Clinton as America's finest President." That guy was sad news... Asking God to bless America, and then running off and playing with women. It's also believed that he is responsible for the deaths of over fifty members of Capitol Hill.
I can vote next elections, sweet. Hope Bush runs again.

Bush is a poor speaker, but he sure gets his point across. Gore is a Bore, and is a poor speaker. Better yet, I never could understand the half of what he was trying to get across...
Not debating here either, only sharing my views. It's quite interesting to see what we do and do not share in terms of politcal views. Heh.
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