Upon hearing this bit of info, Dragon returns (rather wearily) from scalping his APID card outside.
/me continues cooking... doesn't anybody get hungry?
SPACEY- You need a robot, eh? Does it have to be functional? 
If it actually needs to do anything, sorry, can't help you there. Go out and buy yourself some stuff from a hobby shop.
If it doesn't... then we get to do some really fun stuff. Do you have a little brother/sister? Borrow some play-dough. It worked miracles for my 9th grade science project.
As an alternitave, use the wonders of mud to your advantage.
However, if you really have your heart set on using cardboard, then you can make some modifications. Take old giftwrap, french-fry boxes, toilet paper rolls (paper towel holders work nicely as well), klenex boxes, and a bit of paint to make your fav. gundam come to life.
If you have any old tires, cut 'em up and put on a couple of cute treads for decoration.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Use (url="http://"http://www.askjeeves.com")jeeves(/url) or a couple (url="http://"http://www.google.com/search?q="science+project+help"")science project sites(/url) to generate a couple ideas.
Put me in your credits! I'll e-mail you my acceptance speech, and I think we can arrange an i-cam meeting with your instructor. Does your school have video hookup? We can get a link through appletalk, and... you get the idea.