PC fusion or Blisk II
emulation master
PC fusion or Blisk II
emulation master
Blisk II
(edit) You should really stop posting so many topics. You are flooding the board. Flooding the board results in a Karma Slap, meaning your karma will be lowered. Try to collect all your questions, then put them into one topic. But you should first look for a similar topic that has already been posted, then post your question there.
Just for your future reference. (/edit)
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(This message has been edited by The Space Between (edited 11-22-2001).)
i heard fusion is better than Belisk II
emulation master
Originally posted by dudz:
**i heard fusion is better than Belisk II
I've never heard of Fusion, but I have heard mostly good comments from users about Belisk, or whatever it's called.
It's easier just to go out and get a Mac. (We are talking about emulators aren't we?) Emulators cause too many problems.
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware")SBSoftware(/url) | | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")Saber Studios(/url) | | (url="http://"http://pub37.ezboard.com/bdirtyratincorporated")Dirty Rat Inc.(/url) | | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/001943.html")Soda Wars - The Empire Strikes Back(/url) | | (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/001990.html")Current Boozerama Bar(/url) | | (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/thespacebetween/FileSharing4.html")Between Time And Space v1.0 Alpha - Download It Here(/url) | | (url="http://"http://www.killersims.com/")Killersims(/url) | | (url="http://"http://pub19.ezboard.com/bkillersims")Killersims BBS(/url) | | (url="http://"http://games.sohu.com/fightgame/fight4.htm")Best Internet Game EVER!(/url) We don't know why / The Innocent die / Will any of this be the same / Will any of us be the same (url="http://"http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/312/goldfinger_mest_goodcharlo.html") <--The Song Here(/url)
whats the difference between imac and PPC? imac without the big tower and ppc has a tower? is that the only difference? imac is cheaper.
emulation master
Originally posted by dudz:
whats the difference between imac and PPC? imac without the big tower and ppc has a tower? is that the only difference? imac is cheaper.
The iMac is significantly cheaper because it is a significantly less powerful computer than the Power Macintosh G4 tower. Both are, however, powerful enough to play Escape Velocity. For more information, I refer you to (url="http://"http://www.apple.com/")Apple Computer(/url)'s (url="http://"http://www.apple.com/imac/")iMac(/url) and (url="http://"http://www.apple.com/powermac/")Power Macintosh G4(/url) web sites.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for the original Escape Velocity(/url)
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/mc/")An Upcoming EV Override Mission Editor(/url)
PPC = PowerPC = All new Apple computers. The alternative is 68k machines, which are pretty much... well, not something to be thinking about if you are buying a new machine, unless you are a collector or something. Even my old 68k machine could run EV, so it really doesn't matter what you buy if all you plan to do on it is play EV, but I doubt that that is all you would want to do.
Unless you are a power user (programmer, 3d graphic artist, or something like that) go with a high or even medium-end G3 or iMac. It is powerful enough to do almost anything you want it to, and is not too overpriced. Get a G4 only if you just won the lottery or you are really going to be doing stuff that will require a lot of power, which most things you are going to use a computer for won't.
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com/")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"http://home.cfl.rr.com/aresev/")The Legion(/url)
Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.
Microsoft's windows take up way too much memory, and PC game such as diablo2 take up as much space as 2 GB. Is that more readable and more understandable??????
emulation master
(This message has been edited by dudz (edited 11-26-2001).)
Originally posted by dudz:
**ok, but apple G4 is THAT fast. too bad for Microsoft, that sob ruin everything, the win98SE take up 1.2 GB of hdd space, + diablo2 take up 1.5 GB + 1 extra GB for memory.
Uhm... what?
You may want to start trying to use better grammer - not just to make you look more respectable and intelligent, but to make your posts more legible.
(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com/")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"http://home.cfl.rr.com/aresev/")The Legion(/url)
Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.
PC fusion is the only company that ALMOST has finish PPC emulator for PC. (is imac a ppc?)
emulation master
Originally posted by dudz:
**PC fusion is the only company that ALMOST has finish PPC emulator for PC. (is imac a ppc?)
Any modern Apple computer uses a PPC based chip. iMacs use G3s, G4 towers, surprisingly, use G4s. Both are based on the PowerPC chips.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com
fusion, you people never have heard of? they are developing a new software that able to emulate a PPC, they say their ifusion are almost complated, which ifusion are able to emulate imac which is PPC. so go check it out, and see if its true that a P4 2 GHz are powerful enough to run G3 and G4 fast. (url="http://"http://www.microcode-solutions.com/")http://www.microcode-solutions.com/(/url)
emulation master
Originally posted by dudz:
fusion, you people never have heard of?
Most of us don't pay a lot of attention to emulators for some reason. Maybe we all (almost all) actually own the superior OS, AKA MacOS.
Originally posted by dudz:
they are developing a new software that able to emulate a PPC, they say their ifusion are almost complated, which ifusion are able to emulate imac which is PPC. so go check it out, and see if its true that a P4 2 GHz are powerful enough to run G3 and G4 fast.http://www.microcode-solutions.com/
It says almost nothing about it on that page you linked to. I can't judge based on that. I'm rather skeptical though, since PPCs are fundamentally a different type of chip than 68ks or Intel/AMD chips.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com
The PPC emulator software won't run anything FASTER, it just will run programs that are made for the PPC chip. The iMac, the G3/G4 all use the PPC architecture.
When a program is made today, it can be made for a PPC or for the 68k chip as well. For example, EV and EVO are made to run on the PPC and the 69k chip. Basilisk is a 68k emulator, so any program made for the PPC chip only won't run on it. So, EV Nova will not run on an emulator unless it emulates a PPC chip.
i can put 2GB of RAM for 68k emulating under Beilisk II. why? it runs the same speed as when i put 64 mb of RAM?
emulation master