Originally posted by Jimbob:
< snip>
Actually, it is a good idea. However, we (the mods) have already had a discussion concerning this several months back. The conclusion is that it would be too much work for not enough. Not only is the extra karma point unnecessary (people who do good get a karma point anyway), but then we'd have to deal with the hurt feelings of people who didn't get it, but felt that they should. The thing with Octoberfost's MOTM system is that is unofficial, so no one cares (nothing personal, OF :)); our concern was that if there were an official system, then it would seem like we were picking our "favorite" members (and to some degree, it would be right; I know my personal favorite members are the most helpful). The moderator's job is not to make anyone feel excluded or picked on, but more to build a sense of community; karma lowering and bashing is just to make sure that the community doesn't sink into a cesspool.
Another reason we decided against it is we'd then have to deal with people who think that MOTM is all there is to life, and do whatever they can to get it. We've had that problem with karma (no names mentioned), and that was obnoxious enough.
The third reason that we decided against it is that we mods can't be everywhere all the time. For example, I mostly ignore most of the bars, and I'm sure that some stuff would slip through the cracks for other mods. We just don't have that much time to devote to tracking down helpful people, when this is a "job" that we do in our spare time anyway.
Fourth reason it wouldn't work: who could possibly wrestle the title from David Arthur?
I won't lock this, since I'm open to discussion on the subject. Just don't expect to change my opinion.
Edit: don't you just hate it when you think of something else to say after you've already posted? Me too.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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(This message has been edited by EVula (edited 11-21-2001).)