Originally posted by Shade:
Probably he was nice to newcomers or something.
That can earn you Karma,I hear.
Yes, in my experience that's the best way to get karma. In fact, going back a bit further, my karma was at three about a week ago.
But yes, it just went up to 5 yesterday.
Didn't Skyblade say he got a lot more karma after he hit ~3000 posts or something? I seem to be able to relate.
Originally posted by Shade:
Assume I'm not American,and start explaining this to me in plain Queen's English.
Firstly:Some kind of sporting event occured,right?
Secondly:The "Diamondbacks" won,right?
Thirdly:The "Yankees" lost,right?
All correct. The sporting event was basically the annual US Baseball championship, which for some reason is called the "World Series" despite the fact that only 2 teams eligible are from outside the US, and they're both in Canada. Because most of us hate the Yankees with a passion, since they have an annoyingly slobbish team and had won three straight World Series prior to this one, we're quite happy to see someone other than the Damn Yanks win. The Mariners are still the champs IMO though, you just can't argue with 116 wins. I just wanted to see the Yankees lose or I probably wouldn't have cared this year.
Originally posted by Cyber-Dragon:
**Dragon proudly hands an Aurora over to Mac, giving the hull secret glances throghout the transaction.
15 minutes later, as Mac is flying back to Sol, his new Aurora explodes in a radioactive fireball. The realAurora, with Dragon inside, flies to the site and begins launching fireballs at the ground.**
Who says I decide to fly it anywhere? Actually, the first thing I would do is call the bomb squad after observing secret glances, and then put it in a giant trophy case.
Remember also that you don't have your real Aurora, because the bounty hunters stole it, hmm? See my earlier posts.
Originally posted by Insano:
Yo lo comprendo el primero tiempo. Pero, yo no se comó hacer los acentos...
Oprima opción-e y despues la letra con acento. El ń es opción-n y n.
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com