First, some errors came up in the SW assessment that need correcting.
First, this isn't exactly an error, but Rak, I disagree with your assessment of the Manta. A Manta, with it's Missile, could beat any of the TIEs. One Missile and a TIE is toast. When facing a shielded A-Wing or X-Wing, however, it will likely be a goner.
The B-Wing is actually more heavil armed in most cases than a TIE Bomber. The B-Wing has 3 Lasers, 3 Ions, and can carry up to 20 torpedos at a cost of some manuverability. TIE Bombers only have 2 Lasers and generally closer to 8-12 Torpedoes/Missiles.
Stock VSDs are actually more sluggish than stock ISDs, because they use older engines. But they would still clean up that category by sheer firepower.
spl, first, I don't think Rak has too much time, I could easily have put together a comparison like that myself in 10 minutes had it occurred to me. But that's beside the point.
EV projectile weapons may be slightly better, but they just can't compete with the sheer numbers. Remember a VSD has 80 Missile batteries. Also, it's turrets are long range, it can be firing with 60 Turbolaser batteries (IMO probably more powerful than Proton Turrets to begin with) when the Rebel Destroyer gets into Missile Range, most likely. Remember that it carries an 18:1 length advantage over the Destroyer. The Destroyer quite simply lacks the Firepower to destroy something that big. OTOH, a Confed Cruiser is only 5 times longer than a Rebel Destroyer. Your Destroyer and Manta Squadron would get annihilated by a Vic.
Death Stars might be destroyed by Lightnings or Rapiers, true, but there were only ever two of them, and never were very effective. Also, if the Death Star II were completed, it would be flat invincible to anything EV or Star Wars could throw at it.
Against Star Trek, a Squadron of Lightnings would be toast against the Enterprise. Remeber that with Phasers, you're dealing with beams, and much more powerful beams than Lasers at that. Starfleet shields are virtually invulnerable to Laser fire. Further, Star Trek targeting systems are much more advanced, so about the time the Lightnings get in Missile range (Missiles clearly being less damaging than Photon Torpedoes, I might add, which I can prove), they'd get skewered by undodgeable(sp? or new word?) phaser beams and quickly annihilated. Overall, EV capital ships might have some chance against Star Trek, but I think Star Trek could win.
Chamrin, a couple of points for you too. Vics are .9km, not .8. Also, a Carrack would kill a COnfed Cruiser because it has far more batteries. Too, Nebulon Bs are more powerful than you give them credit fo. Because they carry fighters, they're better than Carracks, though they don't have quite so many guns.
Mon Cals carry 4 or 8 squadrons, usually.
ISDs have 10 Tractor Beams.
Alright, I think that's it, I'll let you all go now. 
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")