Originally posted by ares1:
**That looks 3d to me. So you just draw lines, fill in colors, and add a guassian blur? If it is so easy, why do people need mechanisto and Infini-D?
Looks 3D? I take that as a big compliment...
I don't really draw very many lines until I've finished the actual model. The entire model you've seen is simply selected areas filled with color. I then apply the guassian blur to the selected area after applying a few darker shades with the paintbrush. It can be easy to create 2D images, though it takes much more time and patience... In some ways, I do still prefer 3D graphics.
Originally posted by ares1:
**This is a dumb question, but how do you draw a line in photoshop? I never learned some of the basics.
Let's say I want to make something like what you have there. I select the line tool, and do I set it to "new work path" "create new shape layer" or "create filled region"? And what should I set the weight of the line to?
How do you draw a line? Fairly simple.
Select the line tool, click where you want your line to began, then release at the point where you want it to end.
The selection of the line tool should be at "normal" (atleast, this is the case in Photoshop 5.5. I forget if 6.0 uses that same setting...). The weight of your lines is all up to you. I usually use one pixel and sometimes two (in weight size).
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