That's not true, you liar!
"Counsolour" can be
pronounced like, "Couns-lore"
But I must admit
There's a typo in line one
I was quite tired.
But you screwed up too
Each thought must have it's own line
Not two seprate ones.
I am guilty too
In the first one for this post...
...But I was teaching. 
You see, for English,
My teachers make us do these.
It gets annoying.
It is pretty hard
Learning to be an author
2 years to Grad School...
I'l write fantasy
Like what Phillip Pullman does.
He's a cool author.
Some day, far from now,
I'll write books as good as his
Some day, far from now.
Maybe I'll get fame.
Or I could live off food stamps...
...I'll take the first one!
I'll go check BB
Corey might have reponded
Bar Latte... BEWARE!