Did I hear something?
No, I didn't. SHUT UP, JON! (My roommate) 
all of a sudden, A vast fleet approaches the bar. Lyra hops back in the Aurora and rushes out to meet them. She yells throught the com-link, "OK, if you little basterds want me, corey, or mac, we;re no tcoming so we can start the damn party now!"
"We are well aware of your fear of attack. Apparently, the media's notes sheet had a typo, WE are lookin gfor the one they call, 'OV.' You seen him?"
Lyra, tempted by the money, still does not break her vow.
"No, he doesn't exist anymore."
The commander replies, "What do tyou mean? Has he been killed ALREADY? WE wanted the mon-"
all of a sudden, he stops because he sees OV running in terror along the ground. Stupid idiot. He should have stayed inside. But not our OV! He comes out, saying, "Have mercy! I want mommy!"
The fleet commander regains his composure in an instant.
"You want that money, right troops? GET HIM!" Billions of netron and quaser bolts rattle off the ground around him, but OV, being a fool, uses fool's luck and dosges them all. However, he dashes inside, only to discover Rak with an abnormally large quaser weapon pointed at him.
soon, OV is put in a jail car, and Rak is greedily spending his new 10 mil on __________ (Rak fils in the blank)
Lyra refuses to admit any of this took place, it was all in their imaginations, so we can all stop acting so childish. She speeds back to Latte to see if anyone responded to ther latest post.