OK, I posted In Bar Latte, no ones replying... PROBLEM HERE!
I changed my script a bit, but it's recognizeable, go Lyra...
Oh, Lyra, get an IRC client, it's useful...
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com -
don't yell at me I'm on IRC.
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". -
Lyra, I must go...
Coreył (Cubed)
Uh, that word? You spelled it wrong. Yeah, that one right there, next to the period. And you're missing an apostrophe in the word "its". -
hey Lyra, do I leave a forwarding address when we leave, tell them where we came from? That might be fun, but could open us to retaliation...
Yes! Yes! By all means! Give them a speech about it, whatever you want! The spotlight is yours...
Ok, now that that's over, I must say good night... I stayed up, just to do this... naughty naughty Lyra!!!
OK, I think I left a suitably caustic goodbye message, now we have to beef up our bar against a counter attack.
hector, defenses
hector flips some switches, and small ports open in the ceiling. Ominous protrusions emerge, focusing around the bar and on the doorway. A couple of large openings also appear in the walls, will cone shaped things inside.
Mac returns to the bar, and gets himself a huge Cherry Coke to celebrate with.
Bar Latte II successfully obliterated! Minimal resistance only (which was in the script anyway
- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com -
Lyra wakes up and asks Mac if she can be cook.
Then, she says, "Arookee! Could you be a dear and guard the door with me?"
Usign a spell that can only be implemented between daemon and human, she locks the door so that only BB-ers can come in. an immensly intracite spell, it causes all others to not notice the bar. And for Latte'ers: if they try to come in, they are transported to _______. The blanck is filled in by the place that each Latte'er would LEAST like to go: form a lva pit to Aunt Bertha's house.Lyra goes back to sleep.
OK, I'm gone for four hours and there's 2 new pages waiting for me when I come back. Anyway, you people seem to like giving two names. Well, I can only use one. I'm going to ignore the ship name.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"http://evempire.netfirms.com")http://evempire.netfirms.com(/url) Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's. -
Err... Index number, wha's that? Thanks for telling me, though. I'd still like to know where I can see the index numbers.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"http://evempire.netfirms.com")http://evempire.netfirms.com(/url) Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's. -
Lyra wakes up.
No, no, no, Insano, we haven't been plotting your demise or anything (though we shouldv'e, now that I think about it. DARN IT! Why do I think of these things NOW? j/k, Insano.
What we HAVE been doing is making an intricate plan to blow up the rival bar, "Bar Latte." after planning everything out, we stormed in, night operation, and- well, basically, had a hell of a good time! Too bad you weren't there.If you want to see our military strategies, you can go back (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/001804-2.html")here(/url) start reading when you see the first ~
INCOMING TRANSMISSION~ box, then read up to here, than go to (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum8/HTML/003758-4.html")the battleground(/url) and see those strategies put to use! Note: You'll have to scroll down a bit to get there. We started somewhere around the middle, and then used up the rest of the page.Yes, we DID use a matrix spoofs with the metal detector thing!
Oh, and Insano? BB is now Latte-rioter proof, no need to worry about getting killed 15 billion times in a row (again?).
OK, guys. I just read the battleground and it was GREAT!!! Now I'm gonna have to look at bar latte just to see how the rest of the people react. Now, we have to start getting soem defenses up. I suspect an invasion soon... Let's start with some proton turrets in the wall. They shoot at anyone not recognized by the computers. The ones recognized are all those that have posted in BB8 and 7 as of now. The only ones who has the access to the computers are the BBers. Retinal, figerprint, skin id, speech recognition, personal info are required. In otherwords, use your Identi-eeze.
Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"http://evempire.netfirms.com")http://evempire.netfirms.com(/url) Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's. -
For god's sake,why the hell are you donig this?
Shade deactivates neutronium containment spheres deep in the planet's crust.
Within instants,the bar and everything in it is destroyed.
I will now be leaving.------------------
Get some."-Me -
Hell, I go out to the cinema, I come back and some ****ers have blown up my bar. I am not a happy lady. Hmm, Escape Velocity forum... think I'll take a look around.
I despise false modesty. -
Shade returns to offer support to Jess.
Feel free to kill anything you want,especially Insano.------------------
Get some."-Me -
Jess shoots Lyra Engel. I hate other girls.
Feel free to reincarnate, whatever, but don't bother shootin' me because I'm off back to Bar Latte.------------------
I despise false modesty. -
Under most circumstances, I would glady except death. However, seeing as how Shade and Jess are now at the places they would LEAST like to be, I doubt that either of you are in the position to shoot anything.