Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Boozerama Bar V

      14 221 11694

      It's high time this started. Ah, yes, Insano only thought he won the fight, but he has yet to see my ultra secret weapon currently under development...

      Corey orders another PGGB and dumps it on Insano's head.

      Coreył (Cubed)
      Cute plug finished - "Alert Sounds"
      Download it (url="http://"")here(/url)!

      (edit: any newcomers would be wise to check (url="http://"")BB1(/url), (url="http://"")BB2(/url), (url="http://"")BB3(/url) and (url="http://"")BB4(/url) before posting {especially BB4}. Feel free to join in!)

      (This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 08-25-2001).)

    • Refer to my last post in bar IV for the results of Insano's victory. 😉

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      -Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
      **Refer to my last post in bar IV for the results of Insano's victory.;)


      yes, I see that...

      Coreył (Cubed)
      Cute plug finished - "Alert Sounds"
      Download it (url="http://"")here(/url)!

    • I won. I won that round, that's all that counts. Insano likes PGGB, and has an alchohol resistant body, so it doesn't affect him.

      Insano gets up and uses his spoon launcher on Skyblade.

      Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

    • Skyblade throws Dr. Pepper cans at all the spoons, deflecting them back at Insano. A few seconds later, Insano is again laying on the floor with orbiting stars around his head, flattened by his own weapon.


      -Cap'n Skyblade
      -Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

    • Sorry, Skyblade. Can't deflect spoons back at me. They would just drop back on the floor. And, you couldn't block all of them at once. Unless you have a DP can launcher that launches cans instead of spoons like mine.

      Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

    • Macavenger pulls out an odd metal cylinder, capped with a concave dish. "Looks like it's time for one for my alter egos to come show Insano he's not as hot as he thinks. Insano, do you think your spoons can handle the Force?" Pressing a button on the cylinder, a silvery teal beam sprouts from the end. Mac advances on Insano, Lightsaber in front of him in a guard position. Insano tries to shoot spoons at him, but Mac whirls the blade and picks them all off faster than Insano can track. Insano promptly engages in a now quite familiar form of exercise, adrenalin aided running. Mac follows him stealthily but no less quickly out of the bar.

      - Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

    • Zen notices the current spoon vs. force battle and wisely chooses sides. The side of the bar away from the fighting, and or fighting induced running that is. From his back pocket he pulls a rubbery training spoon that is of no real value or use, and begins to wiggle it back and forth in a most distracting manner in a wild attempt to generate attention.

      Apply When Wet

    • Shade,seeing Mac has defected to the Scum Side of SciFi,orders his myriad warfleets to eliminate him.

      "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
      -St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

    • Mr. Moose tries to grap Mac saber, but ends up cutting off all 12 of his fingers. (I never had those extra 2 removed after drinking a SUS, spica uridium special)
      I grab some super glue that was lying on the groung (with my teeth) and glue 10 fingers back on. I jam the other two up the KOed Insano's nostrils, sucsessfuly killing him.

      Who likes Rawzer?
      I like Rawzer!
      Wait no I don't!

    • Skyblade blows up the myriad warfleets with his tritanium-tipped defender. 😉

      Gets a refill of Dr. Pepper

      -Cap'n Skyblade
      -Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

    • Luke starts singing "God Save the Queen" and shooting straw wrappers at the ceiling.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

    • Luke then buys a PGGB and faints.

      Write your complaints here: O
      Please don't write out of the space.
      (url="http://"")Luke's Board(/url)

      (This message has been edited by Luke (edited 08-25-2001).)

    • Corey howls "O Canada" in response to Luke's pitiful rendition of "God Save The Queen". Only, he doesn't really know the words, so he just mumbles the rest of it. Then, he takes his lightspoon and runs yelling out the door towards Insano, Mr. Moose and Mac, with a look of disgust towards the low-life left behind. Once reaching the duelers, he activates his secret weapon - a double-ended lightspoon! With an evil smile upon his face he proceeds to join the battle, and nearly succeeds in defeating the dirty traitor who actually attempted to kill Insano while Corey wasn't looking. "Fwaahaahaahaahaa!!" he yells, and attacks relentlessly.

      Coreył (Cubed)
      I may be dumb, but I ain't stupid!

    • Quote

      Macavenger pulls out an odd metal cylinder, capped with a concave dish. "Looks like it's time for one for my alter egos to come show Insano he's not as hot as he thinks. Insano, do you think your spoons can handle the Force?" Pressing a button on the cylinder, a silvery teal beam sprouts from the end. Mac advances on Insano, Lightsaber in front of him in a guard position. Insano tries to shoot spoons at him, but Mac whirls the blade and picks them all off faster than Insano can track. Insano promptly engages in a now quite familiar form of exercise, adrenalin aided running. Mac follows him stealthily but no less quickly out of the bar.

      I think not, Mac. I got the idea for the circular launch from a star wars book. Darksaber, I think. When a stun blast was shot, Castilla (or is it Castila?) couldn't block it because it was circular. The launch like this: 0. If you moved the lightsaber in a complete circle, a couple would still get through.

      Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

    • Insano, I have been here since BB1 but people stopped posting (same with BFS) so i left the EV boards. I rejoined when i came back to check out the boards and I saw BB 3 and have been here since.

      OV orders 3 DP's blows them and orders 5 more. The bar gets more money so it can be put to good use for renevations.

      What about me ZenMasta!!!?? I've been here for 4/5 of the bars how dare you forget me!

      OV blasts him out of the bar. Take that for forgetting a respectful bargoer 😉

      You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
      rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
      (url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
      AIM: Ferazel17

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Insano:
      **I think not, Mac. I got the idea for the circular launch from a star wars book. Darksaber, I think. When a stun blast was shot, Castilla (or is it Castila?) couldn't block it because it was circular. The launch like this: 0. If you moved the lightsaber in a complete circle, a couple would still get through.


      That reminds me of a good question(off-topic, perhaps)...if a stun bolt was shot at a Jedi (like the one the troopers shot at Leia in Episode IV), would the Jedi's lightsaber be able to block it effectively?

      Coreył (Cubed)
      I may be dumb, but I ain't stupid!

    • Lyra has been calmly sipping the synthale that Mac refused. He walks up to Coreycubed and says

      "YEs, but only a very good one. Oh well, back to the matters at hand. Observe." He shapeshifts to his true form, the character he is named after (a 12 year old girl) and pulls out a lightsaber and goes after Insano. Insano is surprised, because he sees a 12 year old girl advancing on him with a lightsaber in hand. He laughs, but briefly, because she takes it, shoves it up his a#s (FINNALY effectivly killing him), and then says to Mac,

      "Still friends?" and offers a hand.

      Mac, before saying anything, notices a falcon on Lyra's shoulder.

      "Hey! Where'd that come form!" Mac yells.

      Before Lyra can answer, the falcon changes to ermine, hops into Lyra's arm, and says,

      "I am her Daemon. Daemons are born with you, and at the age of about 18, they chose a permenant form. Untill then, I can shapeshift into any animal."

      "His name is Arookee." Lyra says, her hand still out. However, before Mac can do anything, Arookee, seeing Insano (who was really faking) come up behind lyra with an assult rifle, changes to a dragon, breathes on him, and watches him moan in agony as the flames devour his pitiful body. Mac now shuts off his lightsaber, seeing no use for it, and decides whewther or not to shake Lyra's hand (Mac- are we still friends?)

      PS- Yes, Lyra really is a girl, she is in the books, so I thought it would be right to have her the same here. And yes, she does have a daemon, but I changed it's name from Pantalaimon to Arookee, a character in the book I'm wriiting.

    • After successfully reentering the bar without his handy training spoon, Zen proceeds to inform OV that it was not he who was in charge of remembering the members but Luke, who seems to be passed out on the floor. Seeing him in his higly inebriated state, this would be the best opportunity to exact vengance, methinks.

      With those words he begins to search about the bar for anything with the letter "L" in it. However it would seem the bar ahs a total lack of shelves or displays of any kind. So instead he grabs a novely finger from a few posts back and begin waves it menacingly yet humnorously at the different light saber combatants.

      Apply When Wet

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Insano:
      **I think not, Mac. I got the idea for the circular launch from a star wars book. Darksaber, I think. When a stun blast was shot, Castilla (or is it Castila?) couldn't block it because it was circular. The launch like this: 0. If you moved the lightsaber in a complete circle, a couple would still get through.

      I'd just like to point out here that there is a large difference in speed between a stun blast and thrown spoons. 😉 Also, a stun blast would have absolutely no effect on a properly trained Jedi, I'm not sure why Callista would have succumbed to it, she shouldn't have, realistically. Also, top-notch Jedi, like Luke, have been known to deflect stun bursts before.

      - Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")