@buffalo-the-kid, on Sep 8 2007, 11:33 AM, said in An Old Light (Jack's World):
Sorry about not posting... I've been busy with school starting...
This weekend, I was able to get all the way to halfway through the 2nd to last level. (starting from summer's saved games of course...)
I have a problem though...
(capital apostrophe...)
I had a time on the Flame Guardians level where I had 3 circling me, but I died before I found out how to make screen shots...
Still no luck with saving zoos...
Lookin forward to playing the 2nd half of Jack's world.
13-1-25 20-8-5 2-21-6-6-1-12-15 2-5 23-9-20-8 25-15-21
(That took a long time...)
PS:Is it possible to kill wraiths and enemy tubes?
PPS:Have you ever played Oberin? It's kinda like a cross between Runescape and Cythra. Plus, the people there are much nicer than on RS. It's mac only. (Just discovered... Cythra is an island in the Odyssey...)
Wow, cause I thought you were dead! (Looks like some one owes me money...)
I've also been busy with school. Are you still playing my level set, did you continue my level set past the custom levels, or did you start a new game on the original?
No idea what your talking about with the flame guardians. :rolleyes:
Try duplicating the origanal world data than edit the dupo version for your zoos.
I'm working on "The Devil's Anvil" at the moment. Interesting obsticals so far, trying to work out cannons at the moment.
Every number corrisponds to a letter in the alphbet! (1-26)
P.S. Impossible to kill wraiths and enemie tubes.
P.P.S. No but I'll look into it.
P.P.P.S. DOn't forget to go back to "The Boss" with tree trunk and icewall. 
@buffalo-the-kid, on Sep 8 2007, 11:42 AM, said in An Old Light (Jack's World):
Whats with the half-buried super jump Ferazel in that pic?
I liked the idea of spike balls on super springs.
Nice doublepost. 
What pic? You meen the ice guardian one? He's standing on the skelliton with a sheild power-up.
I love the spike balls on springs. 
If you've beaten the first half of my level set tell me what you think! What's yur favorit level? Was the level set any good? Is the plot alright? Is it to hard or to easy? Everything! :ninja: