@buffalo-the-kid, on Aug 17 2007, 08:26 AM, said in An Old Light (Jack's World):
We're used to foul language...
In the zoos, my sister would do scenery and most of the exhibits, while I would do anything that talks, chains of cannons, refreshment rooms with bartenders and teleporters. We both did the floor plan. We had a really big zoo with all of the animals in it (except for bosses, who refused to move) and a big teleporter/cannon/super spring playground. Unfortunately, that zoo was on our old Os 9 compatible computer, which crapped out a year ago...
That sounds awsome I'd love to try it out if you still had it. I'm backing up my current level set on a flash drive. 
@buffalo-the-kid, on Aug 17 2007, 08:26 AM, said in An Old Light (Jack's World):
I consider myself average at hacking too, but I haven't taken on any big projects in a looong time. Also, I can't get the hang of connecting levels, changing the directions of water currents, changing the tile set (for some reason, my computer freezes when I try to), I have no idea what those flag things are for, and I can't get bosses to move (except for the M. wizard, but that just won't work in a zoo...)
I just learned how to connect levels!
It makes the whole testing out my level thing a whole lot easyer! I know how to change water current, nope on the tile set :p, we're sunk on flags, and the only boss I learned how to semi-set-up is the demon! (also recently).
@buffalo-the-kid, on Aug 17 2007, 08:26 AM, said in An Old Light (Jack's World):
Based on your levels, I think you would've liked our frog exhibit the best... It was one of the most elaborate, too.
As for the levels, I've only gotten three done so far. I laughed a bit at the last grave stone over the acid... grave... things... and I liked the idea of a water fall (in the challenge level).
And a minor problem: some of your sings don't quite work on the the level with Vion's challenge. (is it vion? I have a horrible memory for names...)
Frogs and moose are my favorte animals. Oh make sure you take the northern passage to get to terrabrine village, great treasures in there. By northen I meen the high ground in "A Spimple Test" wich takes you to a level lower than it's self. I'm glad you liked the gravestones, if you read the read-me you would have seen the name "Zeb" in there.
My little brother. Toook me forever to work out all the kinks for the waterfalls... A bug?! Damn! Thought I had gotten all of them.. ok I'll check it out. Some times you have to stand next to a sign for a while and press keys like jump and up.
@buffalo-the-kid, on Aug 17 2007, 08:26 AM, said in An Old Light (Jack's World):
And now that I have written a short novel, I shall ask you two questions!
UNO:What is your favorite level set (that you didn't make)?
NINE:I'll send you a zoo as soon as I manage to whip up a slightly good one. (or a high quality one if my sister helps)
May the Buffalo be with you,
Buffalo McBison
My favortite that I didn't make... Well first of all I can't rember any of the names right now.
But I liked parts from some (even some of the really bad ones) and disliked parts from others (especialy the really bad ones.) Don't really have a favorite, they all have flaws. Just like my level set. Tell me what you think?
You could upload your zoo... Though you would knock down my level set off the newest category. 
Onions onions,
put 'em in a bowl.
Onions Onions,
food for the soul.
@buffalo-the-kid, on Aug 17 2007, 08:26 AM, said in An Old Light (Jack's World):
PS:I too played Runescape, but my account got banned because I let my friends try mini games. The name was Buffal000 if you want to see the stats...
PPS:I refuse to live in this town unless there is a fountain shaped like an onion somewhere...
PPPS:I've learned that it's a good idea to have mist potions in the zoos, so you can see some exhibits more clearly.
PPPPS:I haven't written this much since Febuary...
PPPPPS:Just for the record, my sister is older than me by three years.
PPPPPPS:I solved the puzzle picture...
PS: cool.
PPS: Try google 
PPPS: Good idea, I'll rember that.
PPPPS: My birthday's in Febuary, the 2nd.
PPPPPS: That would make her 17? I'm 17 
PPPPPPS: Egad! Fine what's the solution?
It'd be cool if we could create a level set. One of us could do one part (the first part) and the other could do the second part (and then upload it).
Two cards are better to open with,