You don't have to use ResEdit to lower the ship numbers. Before I became sort of good with ResEdit (I fiddle about with stuff, but don't usually get far - now, though, I can change ship numbers, the ship the player is in... and some other stuff that usually doesn't work) I used EV-edit. I know there are people on these boards who hate EV-edit with a vengeance, but it is easy to use. Simply put a copy of the EV plug-in (the standard one that comes with the game) in the EV-edit folder, and the other stuff he asks you to do, then create a new plug, name it whatever you want, then go to 'stellar' or something like that, and you'll see the map. Double click on the system you want to dominate (sol, ruby, sirgil are usually targets for a spot of tinkering). It comes up with the system map. Double click on a planet. It comes up with loads of stats. There's one box with the number of ships in the defence fleet. Change it to 1, or 6, or 22, or whatever, and choose the number of ships per wave. Save the plug, stick it in the EV-plugins folder, and then demand tribute from said planet. That should do it.
I choose to believe that the glass is half empty.