Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Is there a game like EV for the IBM user???

      Im currently at my moms and all she has is a IBM compatable so Im left
      without my EV.I NEED MY EV BACK!!!! can someone out there help me....


    • Not that I know of. Sorry man.

      2nd generation idiot and proud of it.

    • Welcome to the boards :D!

      We get these topics quite often, the popularity of EV is unparalleled in shareware. Try (url="http://"")this(/url) emulator, which I hear is pretty good.

      You don't have to do this! Life is too precious! Good, good, slowly, everything will be OK. Now, put the trout down...

      (This message has been edited by Starkiller (edited 04-17-2001).)


      if it dosent doesn't
      squiel its not worth

    • I feel for you, I really do, but who would want an IBM?



      What the people say is law. There is no honor in the Lands of Mizra.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Mizra:
      **I feel for you, I really do, but who would want an IBM?


      Because they're cheaper and you aren't tied to one vendor to run your investiment in software.

      IBM makes some l33t stuff.

      mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

    • I've got both, which gives me the best of both worlds.... Except my PC is being fixed right now back at the shop I got it from. It wasn't my fault, honest!
      The problem with IBM compatible is that if you want the major compatibility you get, then you have to run windows. But then MacOS 9 isn't anything great either. Give me System 7.5.3 back! My 630 hardly ever crashed, but my iBook 466 is about as reliable as, well, an IBM compatible running Windows ME!

      I choose to believe that the glass is half empty.

    • You probably have an extensions conflict if it crashes a lot. I'm running 9.1 on a 6400 (upgraded to 300 G3) and its doing fine although we have to get a newer one. At least yours is an actual problem. Some people at school say Macs suck because their relative is using 3.0 and it crashes a lot. Wonder why?

      Programming today is a race between software build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.--Rich Cook

    • If you want a $50 OS, get ME. If you want one that doesn't crash constantly and runs Windows software, get Windows 2000.

      If you want a free OS that's chopped full of free software, most open sourced... a free firewall and other network security features... something that is awesome as a server..... linux =D

      mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

    • Quote

      Originally posted by cable_guy:
      **I've got both, which gives me the best of both worlds.... Except my PC is being fixed right now back at the shop I got it from. It wasn't my fault, honest!
      The problem with IBM compatible is that if you want the major compatibility you get, then you have to run windows. But then MacOS 9 isn't anything great either. Give me System 7.5.3 back! My 630 hardly ever crashed, but my iBook 466 is about as reliable as, well, an IBM compatible running Windows ME!


      A few tips for both ME and Mac OS 9.1, the more RAM the better.

      Virtual memory for Macs was written by the devil. I try and stay away from it like a liberal from principle. I also go to extension manager and disable everything I don't need, which reduces conflicts, crashes and the resources Mac OS needs. You can reduce it by 8 MB of RAM at a min.

      mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

    • Quote

      Originally posted by cable_guy:
      **but my iBook 466 is about as reliable as, well, an IBM compatible running Windows ME!


      yes, hmm, that reliable eh? yes, i use ME. and let me tell u something... **TALK ABOUT A PIECE OF ****** I thought our 486 sucked! then we got this beautiful, shinning new pc, 700 MHz (can be clocked to 950 :)), 128MB RAM, 20gig harddrive! 48x cd drive, 17" moniter, 32MB graphic card... who could want anything better??!! now, a few months down the track, i wonder "what could be worse???". let me start my complaining with the internet: 4 out of 5 times it crashes withing seconds of connecting to the net, 9 out of 10 times it comes up with 'page cannot be displayed, please presh refresh'. now onto games... on several games (namely baldurs gate 2) some of the graphics flicker, trying to run games using the 3D accelerator card (which we have) just causes the whole computer to lockup...
      i could go on with about 1000 other problems, but i'm starting to develope RSI from my typing class, so i won't.
      as u can see, ME is about THE worst operating system EVER.
      I'm glad we got a 3 year warrenty, cause i reckon this thing can go to the scrap heap! GIVE ME A MAC ANYDAY!!!

      Kirk - Scotty, we need more power!
      Scott - I kinna do it captain, I kinna reach the controls...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ChaosMan:
      **yes, hmm, that reliable eh? yes, i use ME. and let me tell u something... **TALK ABOUT A PIECE OF ****** I thought our 486 sucked! then we got this beautiful, shinning new pc, 700 MHz (can be clocked to 950 :)), 128MB RAM, 20gig harddrive! 48x cd drive, 17" moniter, 32MB graphic card... who could want anything better??!! now, a few months down the track, i wonder "what could be worse???". let me start my complaining with the internet: 4 out of 5 times it crashes withing seconds of connecting to the net, 9 out of 10 times it comes up with 'page cannot be displayed, please presh refresh'. now onto games... on several games (namely baldurs gate 2) some of the graphics flicker, trying to run games using the 3D accelerator card (which we have) just causes the whole computer to lockup...
      i could go on with about 1000 other problems, but i'm starting to develope RSI from my typing class, so i won't.
      as u can see, ME is about THE worst operating system EVER.
      I'm glad we got a 3 year warrenty, cause i reckon this thing can go to the scrap heap! GIVE ME A MAC ANYDAY!!!


      That' s very funny. All your problems are based on other programs and not the OS itself, you said nothing about WindowsME problems... hmm.

      I got a 233MHz RevB iMac I'll give you for it 😃

      mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
      That' s very funny. All your problems are based on other programs and not the OS itself, you said nothing about WindowsME problems... hmm.

      I got a 233MHz RevB iMac I'll give you for it 😃


      actually, all of those stemmed from ME, i've used those EXACT same programs on hordes of other computers, never with so many screw-ups

      Kirk - Scotty, we need more power!
      Scott - I kinna do it captain, I kinna reach the controls...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ChaosMan:
      **actually, all of those stemmed from ME, i've used those EXACT same programs on hordes of other computers, never with so many screw-ups



      Poor ports and optimizations are not to be blamed on the OS. That's like saying Photoshop's shortcomings on ME are the fault of MS :rolleyes:

      mikeeJ | Proud member of the vast right-wing conspiracy |
      "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
      That' s very funny. All your problems are based on other programs and not the OS itself, you said nothing about WindowsME problems... hmm.

      I got a 233MHz RevB iMac I'll give you for it 😃


      Actually, all of the problems mentioned by ChaosMan are directly the fault of the OS. Here, OS--Operating System--also includes the software that microsoft considers an extension to the OS like Internet Explorer and DirectX.


      ChaosMan said:
      let me start my complaining with the internet: 4 out of 5 times it crashes withing seconds of connecting to the net, 9 out of 10 times it comes up with 'page cannot be displayed, please presh refresh'.

      With the release of Windows95 and Windows NT 4, Microsoft took over the winsock API and took responsibility for connecting to the internet. PC users must now use the microsoft connection wizard, microsoft dialer control panel applet, and microsoft internet explorer to connect to the internet. For cable/dsl modems, you use the ethernet driver that microsoft supplied with the system, unless you are clever enough to click the "Have Disk..." button at the right time, and you actually have a driver disk. And dont forget the Microsoft TCP/IP protocol in the network control applet


      now onto games... on several games (namely baldurs gate 2) some of the graphics flicker, trying to run games using the 3D accelerator card (which we have) just causes the whole computer to lockup...

      This is a DirectX problem. Pretty common when a game supplies its own (older) version of DirectX and is run on newer hardware. DirectX is microsoft's latest graphics, sound, and 3D API. I think they are up to version 6, they released it less than 5 years ago. Like MFC before it, the DirectX DLLs have various sorts of versioning problems. In addition, DirectX require that the video card developer cooperate with microsoft. Since there is no money in selling a commodity-- the DirectX card-- video card developers provide proprietary extensions to DirectX (which some games depend on), or even implement part of DirectX in hardware. Chaos ensues.


      i could go on with about 1000 other problems, but i'm starting to develope RSI from my typing class, so i won't.
      as u can see, ME is about THE worst operating system EVER.
      I'm glad we got a 3 year warrenty, cause i reckon this thing can go to the scrap heap! GIVE ME A MAC ANYDAY!!!

      I know them all, I maintain a PC-Mac network. Guess which ones I spend time fixing.


    • If you are a capable computer user and have dsl/cable modem, you can install Linux on your PC, then download and play Netrek. See (url="http://"")

      Combat in netrek is comparable to that in EV, but netrek is a 16 player real time internet game, no AI. Also, no trading.

      There exists a mac port of the game that SUCKS.
      The Windows version is barely better. You must use a Unix version of netrek and a 3-button mouse to really experience the game.

      Oh, others have suggested getting a mac emulator (search the net) for windows and running EV as usual


    • What, this the twentith time I've told people go to to this site... <rolls eyes>

      There. Go there and leave us in peace...

      Running Mac OS X on a brand new 500Mhz Indigo iMac

    • Quote

      Originally posted by macmaxbh:
      **What, this the twentith time I've told people go to to this site... <rolls eyes>

      Informative site!


    • I just remembered: Star Control! This is a classic DOS game from the late 80s. Game play is nearly identical to EV (primary and secondary weapons, some guided weapons, humans vs aliens, variety of ships). It had a scenario editor and campaign mode. In campaign mode, you move your fleet through hyperspace on a map very much like EV's map. There were three versions of Star Control made (eerie what with EVN coming out). Of them, Star Control 2 was the best. Back in the day Star Control was at the top of the game industry along with Civilization and Populous. I and others frequently hijacked our school's computer systems to play this game on decent equipment.

      If you look hard around the net, you may find a copy of it for download-- I ran across a copy of SC 2 a few months ago. There is even an open source clone of the game (not very good).

      It will not work on windows95/98 unless you boot into dos mode. Star Control 3 at least is (was) available for the mac.


      (This message has been edited by magicianeer (edited 05-01-2001).)