I am curious as to whether any of the EV Webboard membership can offer any assistance with the following matter.
I have been trying to contact the makers of an older EV plug-in called "Omega Faction 1.0", released waaaaay back in 1996 by a team called Dark Horse Software operated by Ben Wooten and Andrew Lester. Does anyone out there have any idea as to where these individuals can be contacted? I have tried the email domains wooten@vircomm.com, andy.lister@vircomm.com and DarkHorse1@aol.com all to no avail as no such addresses exist. A careful search using Google.com showed no evidence of a "Dark Horse Software" or any of the above people.
My reason is that I am very interested in using three ship graphics in their plug which are absolutely ideal for my current EV plug-in EMPIRE OF CRIME and had wanted to get heir authorization to do so.
If these people cannot be found, I assume I could use the ships, give full credit in the support documentation along with an explanation of my attempt to track them down and, should anyone get upset, I could always ussue an update removing the ships. Would that be appropriate 'EV etiquette'?
Can anyone help? Much thanks in advance.
Kindest Regards,