Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • E3 mission string beginning

      Same question, different plug. I recently beat E2 for the WEave, and i'll play for the terrans later, but first I wanna move on to E3. I've found the mission string starts to the weave, the sauridians, and the scavengers. But I still can't seem to find the start-off strings to RusCon (Which is the most important one I need to find out) and the LCA. I've actually checked almost all of the RusCon's systems, and still can't find a place where their missions start off. If anyone can please tell me where I need to go, or what I need to do, please do so. Thanx a lot.

      There are only 2 things certain in life, death, and serious emotional problems stemming from your retarded dog, lucky.

    • The missions for the LCA and RusCon are part of the Weave misson string. Try reading the read-me; it'll explain it.

      Capt. Whitehawk

      To be or not to be...Good question, what's the answer.