Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Switch is flipped and numerous explosions rock the staton. An identical copy sidles into place, sans hallucinations of sealife and African fauna.
      "Well, almost identical," says Shatner, noticing that he is now holding a large Polish sausage instead of a gun.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • The hypergate on the Nova board is better

      As el diablo runs in to the duplicate bar screeming he is followed by a large group of horrific break dancing squids, bent on the destruction of the known univers!

      I will save those in need and punish those who oppose them.

    • Suddenly the bar falls quiet as the universe's greatest Corvette pilot walks in the door - ElGuapo7.

      He walks past the dueling squids and orders a beer.

      "Y'know," he says to nobody in particular, "I still like to play the old EV, just because I love my Corvette to pieces."

      With that, he downs his beer, walks out, boards his ship, and jumps to the vast nothingness/everythingness/somethingness that is hyperspace.

      The other patrons of the bar stay quiet, savoring their brush with phenomenal greatness.

      Viva El Guapo, people...

      KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!
      (url="http://"")Slow-reading Story(/url)
      (url="http://";=TechFolder.sit")Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe(/url)

    • There are no squids!

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • One of the patrons at the bar, a portly man, turns to the bartender. "Was that the ElGuapo7 who just walked outta here?" he asks wonderingly.

      "Sure was," replies the barkeep. "He only drinks at the best spaceport taverns. Classy guy, he is."

      "Ahh," interjects an intoxicated loudmouth. "I heard Maskirovka pays him under the table to fly that Corvette."

      "That's a filthy lie," shouts the portly drinker, who clouts the loudmouth with a quick right fist.

      not drowning, waving

      (This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 01-13-2001).)

    • A huge explosion and lots of blood and guts spraying everywhere suggests that Kamikaze and his suicidal hawks have landed.

      "What the hell's wrong with you lot?!" he belows and he bursts through the door.

      " was the best Corvette pilot in the universe sir" shieks his loyal servant scumbag.

      "What?.......Everyone knows I am the best covette piolet in all dimensions!" he yells "who here wants to sell me a hawk?"

      "Sure dude" sais Rogan "great" sais Kamikaze and hands his 2.00M credits.

      As Kamikaze sets off in chase of the fraud corvette he hears Rogan say he'll buy the bar!

      Sacrafice escorts for the
      better good!

    • But he has heard wrong. What Rogan said was "I'll buy the beer-" as in "Kamikazes undrunken, un-paid for alcoholic beverage.
      Rogan looks out the viewport to see Kamikaze run full throttle into an asteroid belt and winces.

      I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.

    • Rogan turns around again and says: "Hell, I`ll buy the bar too."

      I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rogan:
      **Rogan turns around again and says: "Hell, I`ll buy the bar too."

      Oh ya? "I'll double anything you can pay!" el diablo yells across the bar and is quickly responded to as Rogan blasts him in the gut. After dieing a painfull death, el diablo jumps back up and blasts Rogans head off!


    • Rogan`s head regenerates, and his eyes turn red. He opens his mouth, and says: "Die, alien lover!" He then aims his minigun at el Diablo and blasts his guts all over the bar.

      I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.

    • escape_alex gets some of his guts on him and brush it off

      if I have asked a question, please reply

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Rogan:
      **Rogan`s head regenerates, and his eyes turn red. He opens his mouth, and says: "Die, alien lover!" He then aims his minigun at el Diablo and blasts his guts all over the bar.

      after being blown up for the second time, el diablo jumps up again and runs over and bites Rogans toe off. then he takes the toe and puts it in rogans mouth. "put your toe where your mouth is bozo!"


    • Suddenly Kamikaze walks into the bar again.

      "What?" says Rogan "I thought you were dead?"

      "No, that phony Corvette pilot sniped my stearing in a desperate atempty to make people think I couldn't fly. The idiot actualy thinks he can kill the undead. He obviously hasn't been to the Cresent station bar!"

      Sacrafice escorts for the
      better good!

    • ------------------
      ...When Soulblighter confronted the Trow, demanding their continued servitude, they replied,"Set iron to rest and choose you one from our number. Ask of his name and what he owes you."

    • Rogan`s toe regenerates, and he spits the old toe out. He walks over to an ATM, collects his lifesavings of 300 and signs a contract, buying the bar. "Free drinks for everyone the next hour!" Rogan shouts. El Diablo walks out from the toilet and says: "What did you say?" Rogan turns and responds, "oh, nothing".

      I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.