Originally posted by bbatch:
**Just for all of everyone's information, Xenophobic means Evil...
It means attacks everyone except allies.
And now, all three systems are gathered in one single post!
And now, I edited in the mass and max amount of the flamethrower and changed Yakuza carrier name to Yakuza capital ship!
Looks like Gore is vanishing into the bush
(This message has been edited by Rogan (edited 12-08-2000).)
Originally posted by Rogan:
**And now, all three systems are gathered in one single post!:D
And now, I edited in the mass and max amount of the flamethrower and changed Yakuza carrier name to Yakuza capital ship!
Are those all of your systems? I need to know.
Originally posted by Rogan:
**BTW (lots of spam here now!) can you make a fleet consisting of one capital ship, three Raptors and some interceptors to apperar in ConFed systems from time to time? evil laughter
What's spam???
**can you make a fleet consisting of one capital ship, three Raptors and some interceptors to apperar in ConFed systems from time to time? evil laughter
Originally posted by Rogan:
**Oh and, BTW, the Yakuza ships are blue and grey colored (like the "bandits" on Klyde Korporations if you know what that is)
I said no new PICTs unless you can supply them. Besides, I know what your ships are going to look like, click (url="http://"http://geocities.com/SiliconValley/Station/6203/sets/terran/index.html")here(/url) if you want to see them and tell me what you think. Hope you like them.
Originally posted by Nova6:
**What`s spam?
On the Cythera web board, we call it spam when a guy posts a lot of posts that doesnt belong++ in the topic (like posting posts which doesn
t belong in a story board in a story board topic). I meant I posted too many short posts...
Originally posted by Nova6:
Great! evil laughter
I like the Terran ships, but which ones are the Interceptor, Raptor and Capital ship??
Looks like Gore is vanishing into the bush
Name: CKP (cop killing pirates)
Enemy: anyone else
Ally: pirates and traders
Crime Tolerance:low
Smug Penelty:15
Disable Pen.:15
Board Pen.:15
Kill Pen.:15
Shoot Pen.:15
Target name: CKP
Com dialog Name: CKP
Xenophobic: Yes
Big bribes: Yes
Freighters take bribes: Yes
Planets take bribes: No
Plunders Ships: Yes
Start disabled: No
Can't hail: No
Warships take bribes: No
No escape pod: No
Not a good samaritan: Yes
Retreat when shields <25%: No
Always attacks: Yes
Never attacks: No
Attacks in non-allied systems: Yes
*Location: Some area on the outer edge of the map with like 3 planets
Ships: Same as rebels
There will NEVER be such a thing as world peace.
Perfection does NOT exist.
.....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.
(This message has been edited by ELPOLLO (edited 12-11-2000).)
Just put my system in Vulcan and call the Gov Hanley.
Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Name: System P
Entry Message: Trouble makers will regret being here......
Dudes: (1) Prob%10: (2) Prob%20: (3) Prob%30: (4) Prob%40:
Average of ships: 9
Interference: 1
Astroids: 0
Location: Middle of my space
Planets in this system:Planet P
Can land: Yes
Commoditys: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: Yes
Uninhabited: No
Bar: Yes
Bar Desc: People that are watching your every move just incase your a fed spy.
Tech level: 12
Special Tech: (1) 300?
Defense Dude: 1 rebel cruiser and 6 rebel destroyers with each wave
Waves: Yes
Ships per wave: 7
Total ships: 70
Food Price: low
Ind Price: med
Med Price: low
Metel Price: med
Equip Price: low
Luxury Price: None
Planet Graphic: weird-red
Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)
Planet Desc: Headquaters, main supply for CKP ships , once the people know your not fed their your friend
Name: System K
Entry Message: Confeds best leave NOW
Dudes: (1) Prob%25: (2) Prob%25: (3) Prob%25: (4) Prob%25:
Average of ships: 9
Interference: 10
Astroids: 1
Location: North of system P
Planets in this system: Planet CK
Can land: Yes
Outfit: Yes
Shipyard: Yes
Station: No
Uninhabited: No
Bar: Yes
Bar Desc: Main hang out of CKP officers
Tech level: 12
Special Tech: (3)700 ?
Defense Dude: 2 crusiers and 3 destroyers
Defense Count: (Dont fill this in)
Waves: Yes
Ships per wave: 5
Total ships: 50
Food Price: med
Ind Price: None
Med Price: med
Metel Price: high
Equip Price: low
Luxury Price: None
Planet Graphic: rock
Cool: (You don't have to fill this in)
Planet Desc: Main stagging point where fed and CKP fight
There will NEVER be such a thing as world peace.
Perfection does NOT exist.
.....but you can be happy with your life if you realy LOOK at it.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
(This message has been edited by Captain Carnotaur (edited 12-10-2000).)