Cmdr. Whitehawk: The DOCMaker read-me that accompanies EV explains the hyperjump situation. I'll try to paraphrase: systems are "connected" across the gulf of space by regions of spatial flux called warplines. You could just as easily think of these warplines not as physical regions, but as "frequencies" of flux. In any case, the warplines provide a shortcut in space (or a tesseract, say, from A Wrinkle in Time ) for objects that can somehow match that frequency. That's the hyperjump.
But how to match the frequency, and with what? In my continuing EV Chronicles story, "Zero Moment," the hyperjump is made possible by one thing: the wondrous metal called uridium , found principally on Spica. Spaceship warp coils are made of uridium. Plasma is routed through these coils; this generates (don't ask me how) fields of subspace particles. One subspace field doesn't do much for you, though. You must generate two subspace fields, because the interaction layer between the fields is where the warp dynamic ยthe "frequency"ยis generated and modulated. If you're in Sol and you generate the frequency matching the warpline connecting Sol and Centauri, then shazam : you're in Centauri.
That's my theory, anyway.
I borrowed much from Jason Hinson's Subspace Physics webpage, located at (url="http://"")http://www.physics.p...acePhysics.html(/url) .
i'm only one man