I have looked all over the gallaxy and can't find the tractor beam missions. Where do the missions start?
I have looked all over the gallaxy and can't find the tractor beam missions. Where do the missions start?
Side with the Rebels and hang around Palshife, Alkaidon, and Clotho Prime with a good combat rating. A mission will pop up after a while.
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Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**Side with the Rebels and hang around Palshife, Alkaidon, and Clotho Prime with a good combat rating. A mission will pop up after a while.
I am also looking for the tractor beam. I did the Astrodyne missions so I have the cloaking device, and I rescued the defecting scientist, plus one rescue of SEALs from an uninhabited planet. I also did one gun running mission, numerous assassinations and several rebel defense missions, along with the destroy-confed-convoy missions. But now the missions seem to have dried up - at Palshife, Alkaidion and Clotho Prime I keep getting the starting TAG mission (ferry Lucas) or the starting weapons distribution mission (search and retrieve). I am rejecting those since they appear to be unrelated. What is the first tractor beam mission supposed to look like? I am rated Dangerous and am a Good Egg.
Originally posted by Argosy:
I am also looking for the tractor beam. I did the Astrodyne missions so I have the cloaking device, and I rescued the defecting scientist, plus one rescue of SEALs from an uninhabited planet. I also did one gun running mission, numerous assassinations and several rebel defense missions, along with the destroy-confed-convoy missions. But now the missions seem to have dried up - at Palshife, Alkaidion and Clotho Prime I keep getting the starting TAG mission (ferry Lucas) or the starting weapons distribution mission (search and retrieve). I am rejecting those since they appear to be unrelated. What is the first tractor beam mission supposed to look like? I am rated Dangerous and am a Good Egg.
Umm...the AStrodyne is for the Tractor Beam. The Commandos on Luna are for the cloaking device.
Anyway, the Tractor Beam mission is the last in the Astrodyne string. You have to disable a VIP Trasport thing and steal a weapon. That weapon is the Tractor Beam.
OctoberFost: Spoiling your fun, one post at a time.
AIM-OctoberFost (b)
Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Umm...the AStrodyne is for the Tractor Beam. The Commandos on Luna are for the cloaking device.:p
Anyway, the Tractor Beam mission is the last in the Astrodyne string. You have to disable a VIP Trasport thing and steal a weapon. That weapon is the Tractor Beam.
My last Astrodyne mission was to visit Astrodyne Outpost to grab some info and return to Palshife, which I have done. Then I got a mission to go rescue some commandos from some other planet, which I also did. That was the end of the Astrodyne missions (Astrodyne Outpost IV) for me. Any ideas, or do I continue to hang around Palshife? Must I accept the first (unrelated) mission that pops up to allow the next related one to appear?
Originally posted by Argosy:
My last Astrodyne mission was to visit Astrodyne Outpost to grab some info and return to Palshife, which I have done. Then I got a mission to go rescue some commandos from some other planet, which I also did. That was the end of the Astrodyne missions (Astrodyne Outpost IV) for me. Any ideas, or do I continue to hang around Palshife? Must I accept the first (unrelated) mission that pops up to allow the next related one to appear?
Well it looks like going to sleep and starting a new session of EV did the trick. I got the last mission! Thanks for the hints.
This one phrase sums things up well:
May the world never rest in peace.
Where do I find the astodyne missions?