Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • whats an ester egg?

    • An Easter Egg is a little extra feature that is hidden in the program by the programmer(s). Usually it has nothing to do with the application, but is just there for fun. If you want some EV/EVO easter eggs, press X at the main title screen. There are other easter eggs you can find, if you try hard enough. I like the "Greetings Professor Falcon, Would you like to play a game" speach. If you can find that.


    • My favorite Easter Egg is in Deadlock. It gives you a little song describing the different races. Amuseing for about a couple months.

      Why is there yogurt in this cap?
      -It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Desert Fox:
      **My favorite Easter Egg is in Deadlock. It gives you a little song describing the different races. Amuseing for about a couple months.


      I got that as a seperate sound file. Funny stuff.

      However, that something I thought I'd never see. Another Deadlock player. Cool.

      "He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
      - Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

      AIM: ColdFusion117

    • NO people, he asked what an ester egg was, not an easter egg.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by ColdFusion:
      **However, that something I thought I'd never see. Another Deadlock player. Cool.

      Thats what I thought, too. I play Deadlock as well, but haven't in several months. It just doesn't quite compare to D2. 😉


      Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
      **NO people, he asked what an ester egg was, not an easter egg.

      Yeah, you are right, he did, but why tell him multiple times when Chamrin has already done a damn fine job at telling him what it is?

      Read the entire thread before telling us what someone wants. 😛
