How do i get on to the rebel missions?
How do i get on to the rebel missions?
To get the rebel missions, you need to look in the spaceport bars in the independent and rebel systems. First they will offer you a courier mission exporting documents around the galaxy, then they'll give you more combat-orientated missions. You could also do missions like helping confederate enemies out to the pirate systems, and make sure that you accept the gunrunning mission (search and rescue mission offered by some shady guy). Do some of the distribution missions offered at Clotho Prime thereafter, and then keep checking the spaceport bar at Palshife for further missions. For the alien mission, make sure that you have a fairly good ship. It will become available after you do the special ops mission (getting a special ops team into and out of Luna), and if you have a good combat rating. To get it, you must vivit the spaceport bar on Sirgil III or Sirgil starport (it isn't offered at Palshife) and then follow on. That is the last rebel special mission, unless you get it before the tractor beam mission at Palshife.
After the alien mission is over, you get 10million credits and access to the rebel shipyard. To make the alien mission easier, get the tractor beam from the second rebel special mission, which allows you to hold the alien cruiser in place while you shoot it to hell.
If you still have problems, ICQ me - my ICQ number is 57810993
thanx alot i'll have a go at the missions tonight
It might be a while between the big missions, so just do the assasinations and weapons distribution, and check back at palshife regularly. You might also want to do the Diphidia II mission for a bit of cash while you wait...