Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Escape Velocity & Nova..?????

      OK can anyone thouroughly tell me what NOVA is and how it relates to the great game of Escape Velocity because I have been around and I am not sure what the Nova thing is and the relaito0ship( to EV, anyone wiht any info wouldu please respond, it wopuld be much appreciated.
      Rebel Dan


    • Read some of the older posts on the EVO WebBoard, they will tell you all the official info. O, and it will be known as EVON


    • Nova is a scenario. That is it. And it has not been confirmed as the official EV3 scenario, and even if it does get confirmed (no guarantee of that) it may well not be given the title EVON (that was a working title - when we finally finish the damn thing it may well end up being titled differently).
