Hehe, my friend has the same problem...first he had no computer, and as constantly at my house playing EV (I mean CONSTANTLY, he did conquer the whole galaxy in both EV and EVO...).
When he finally did get a computer, I hooked him up with a Mac emulater for Win 95...unfortunately his comp is dead, so he drives the 60 mile commute (he moved BTW) every week or so to play....and I thought I was addicted 
Anyways, that program should work (don't remember what I got him...just did a yahoo search for Mac emulators). The good news for me is he is buying an iMac DV in about a month...the bad news is, he is now as addicted to Ares as he was to EV/O...
Good luck with your friend...it isn't easy to get them to lay off EV...I even gave my friend a key to the house when we left on vacations so he could play (my father was quite astounded when he saw the power bill for the whole monthe we were gone
Kraig Hill
"It's better to burn out then to be forgotten" - Neil Young