Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Cozying up to the Rebellion...

      I can't figure out if any missions I'm getting with make it so I can't get the Rebel missions. I got this business on Sirius Station with someone called Lucas, I got in UGE, and I got some "Defend New Cydonia" missions. At firt I got some Rebel shipping missions with weapon delivery and defend such and such a planet from the Confeds, but lately those have dried up completely and I am worried that doing that first Lucas/Sirius Station mission where I had no way of knowing what it was has effected my ability to recieve Rebel missions.

      - Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra

    • Nope, none of those missions should affect the Rebel missions in any way. Try hanging around Rebel systems in the "top" of the galaxy (Satori, Clotho, etc) and killing as many Confed ships as possible.

    • Ok, thanks. I do lnow athing or two about EV, but I'm the kind of person that always worries that they've done something wong in a game with rpg elements.

      - Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra

    • ARRRRGGGGGHGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

      I feel incredibly stupid and incredibly ticked off at EV at the same time.

      When I started up EV to check out the artemis group mission I forgot that I hadn't backed up my pilot file in years. So low and behold when I looked at the map after getting the mission pretty much every system in the galaxy hated me and I hadn't even completed the mission yet!!!!! By this time I was half way to a kestrel... Of course my backup was from back when I had two million and wasn't in UGE.

      That's probably the last time I play EV. I spent hours pressing buttons and being board to get that much money...

      - Lone "Darn, its not in the spellchecker!" Igadzra