Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • ev and evo why play ev all reply

      i wonder yes i have read posts from people about why they prefer ev over evo but how many of you relize that evo1.0.2 is coming out and it is going to totally kick as*. not only will it improve the game in almost every respect but it will hav an ai that isnt completly STUPID. it was posted that fighters are no longer useless. and if this isnt enough the third installment in the ev universe is currently in beta get with the times ev was a great game but it has been surpassed make your plugs for evo

      I am the SuperStar Destroyer,
      soon you will all feel my wrath
      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

      A jedi's strengh flows through
      the force

      luke do not underestimate the
      powers of the darkside

      I have acepted that you
      were once Anakin Skywalker
      my father

      young jedi only now do
      you truly understand the
      powers of the darkside

    • 1; Some prefer the EV storyline.
      2; Some have primitive computers that run EVO like crap.

      OpenGL Avara!

      AIM: EVAndrewM

      "I haven't seen myself lately, AndrewM."
      — GreenYO, #ev

    • There is someone working (I hope) on a "EV Classic" type plug-in for EVO 1.0.2. It will be EV but with 1.0.2's features. Imagine, Heavy Rockets with somke trails and punishment for buying illegal items...and Defenders that actaully are a threat...

      Of course EV Plug Developers would port their EV plug-ins to this new EV Classic Plug.

      "You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


      (url="http://"")Unoffical EV/O Chatroom!(/url)

    • Dammit, Wraith. No offence, pal, but your grammer totaly sucks. I know everyone isn't perfect at grammer, but no capital letters, hardly any commas/full stops, too many shortened words and absolutely NO punctuation marks like :;' ect. I don't meen to be mean, but learn off other people. Try putting a capital letter in front of Pro-nouns ect. Put in some full stops and commas, and use proper words. It goes a long way. Incase you are not sure what a capital letter is (hey, I've never seen you use one), they go like this:


      Try using one.
      For other peoples' benefit, I will translait Wraiths' text properly:

      I wonder 'yes, I have read posts from people about why they prefer EV over EVO, but how many of you relize that EVO 1.0.2 is coming out and it is going to totally kick ass. Not only will it improve the game in almost every respect but it will have an AI that isnt completly STUPID. It was posted that fighters are no longer useless. And if this isn't enough, the third installment in the EV universe is currently in beta. Get with the times, EV was a great game but it has been surpassed. Make your plugs for EVO.

      Wraith, I meen not to be mean, but it took me 2 & 1/2 minutes to correct you, and that isn't long, now, is it?
      Come on, try harder.

      Someone out there is seriously F***ed up. I think it's me.

    • I've been entertaining a concept of a sort of 'EV Classic' that is a sequel to EV; 40 or so years in the future and using most of the ships of EV and features of EVO 1.0.2; after Project Nebula is released, I may start work on it.

      "His Strangelove All-Purpose Do-It-Yourself Defensive First Second or Third Strike Indestructible Fantastic State-of-the-Art B-Ware Offensive Attack Bomber can't compare with our M & M E & A Sub-Supersonic Invisible and Noiseless Defensive Second-Strike Offensive Attack Bomber."
      - from Closing Time , by Joseph Heller.

    • It took me so long to make Mugabi... that I was afraid that it would be too late. I was overjoyed to return to EV and find a thriving community, as my whole storyline was based on EV. But I do recommend that EVO is an easier game to make a plug-in for due to its structure and fields, etc.

      Mace means no.

    • I can't wait for EVO 1.0.2 to come out. Will there be an upgrade from 1.0.0 or 1.0.1?




    • When 1.0.1 came out, it was an extension pack. 1.0.2 will almost definatly be similar, as an upgrade is easier to put than a whole game. I am not sure if it will upgrade from 1.0.0 though...

      My name is Gavin, and don't you ever forget that.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Gavin:

      **When 1.0.1 came out, it was an extension pack. 1.0.2 will almost definatly be similar, as an upgrade is easier to put than a whole game. I am not sure if it will upgrade from 1.0.0 though...



      A little birdie told me that the current beta version updates from 1.0.0

      "You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


      (url="http://"")Unoffical EV/O Chatroom!(/url)

    • EVO 1.0.2 will be awesome, though I will still play EV for the classic feel of it, and the fact without it I am unable to play Galactic Scourge or EVGE, my favorite plug of all time. 😉



    • My guess is that when they release EVO 1.0.2, they'll provide an upgrade similar to those they have done in the past, where all the files that have changed are included in the update, while those that haven't changed are not. Obviously, they're going to have a complete package that will be used for new installations. Most likely, they will have a smaller, updater package that will work for all previous versions of the game.

      Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


      (Insert witty remark here)