Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Can anyone help with general tactics for a newbie?

      I just downloaded this game a few days ago and I love it, but its really getting to frustrate me. I'm in a courier ship and if I've got missiles I can take out some argasys and I can take other courier ships and anything smaller without a hitch, but its given me heck trying to raise enough credits to get an argasy of my own...

      I've bought a defender before trying to pirate the money, but I hate the defender cause it moves and turns so frickin fast I can't get centered in on a target... I guess that just shows my lack of skill. Or maybe I should just turn the game speed down?

      Can anyone provide me with general tips of the trade (btw, I've got the entire confederation mad at me... they attack me on site usually, am I totally screwed?)

      Then of course I tried the peacefull merchant way of getting a light freighter but that thing moves light a pregnant cow... sigh

      somebody help me, please.


      You pointin' that thing at me?

    • 1)Take only RUSH deliveries, and maybe passenger deliverys to planets nearby your cargo destination.

      2)When you fight Argosies, DISABLE them instead of destroying them. You can get 20-30 thousand credits that way.

      3)Kill traders in REBEL space only. The Rebellion dosn't care if you shoot up some traders in thier systems.

      4)Screw the Argosy, it's a POS. Get a Rapier, with the proper upgrades it can take out a Confed Crusier.

      5)Work for the Rebellion, you get cooler stuff and will be fighting for a good cause.

      As for the Confeds hating you, you have 2 options,

      1)Kill LOTS of pirates near confed space (Curzon system is very good for this).

      2)Get an escape pod and blow yourself up. When you are rescued, your legal status in each system is cleared. Unfortunately you start in a shuttlecraft again, but you'll have all your money.

      "You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"


      Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


    • You can find more good advice at EVula's (url="http://"")EV Survival Guide(/url) . Once there, click on the categories on the left.

      what is to give light must endure burning

    • A Defender is awful!!!
      My 2 good runs are:

      Manta Run: Run full speed at it and fire the weapons. Fly past it. Repeat.
      Orbiting: Go around it, firing all weapons.

      You're good!

      Do you know all the keys?

      An Argosy is Ok, upgrade it with engine upgrades, and proton turrets.

      Good luck!
      Kill pirates!

      🙂 Max B-H
      Current plug-in project: Arena Plus

    • If your anj aspiring pirate, arm up a scoutship with lazers and jovelin missiles, argosies are gonners, youl get credits fast. Maybe you wanna be a little less agressive. If your targeted at a guy, press "a" i think it is, to point yourself at them. Rapier good. Lightning bad. Corvette, excelent. Help the rebels, their ships are faster, try EVO when you get bored.

      I could have worded this better eh?

      "How can i make it go faster"?

      The captain of the
      A.S.S. Phoenix

    • Um...basically Octoberfost seems to have said it all. (I can't believe how exact his way is to my strategies.)

      But, 2 tips. If you get missions from either a guy in a blue uniform running from pirates, or a guy called Lucas, take them. They're VERY useful.

      Also, as far as the defender is concerned, I see an utter lack of respect for that thing on these boards. (kidding, kinda.)

      If you want a challenge, pilot a defender on 225% speed. (I'm up to 175%)

      Desert Fox, i fixed the problem with my reply. It was 1am when I wrote it the first time, so gimme a break. 😉

      I have an 87% chance of blowing up and covering the world in a green/blue gel that eats away at trees until they turn into little fluffy things called care bears that are really annoying - GreenYO, #ev.

      AOL/AIM: EVmaridian

      Publicity Stunt: Galactic Federation is a total conversion plug for EVO. Wait for it.

      (This message has been edited by Maridian (edited 05-12-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Maridian:
      Also, as far as the defender is concerned, I see an utter lack of disrepspect for that thing on these boards. (kidding, kinda.)


      Don't you mean lack of respect?? Nobody wants disrespect for their favorite ship. A good choice ship for a newcomer is a clipper. With its average everything, it can be converted quite easily to the type of ship you want. It you want an Argosy bad nough, disable the regular ones and try to take them over. If you are really gutsy, go after the pirate argosies. They will attack you on sight so watch out. Javalin rockets are a good bet in taking these argosies out. If you want my opinion, keeps the clipper, the argosy isn't as good.

      I did really good on my driver's exam. I knocked down all the cones.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Adzara:
      **If your anj aspiring pirate, arm up a scoutship with lazers and jovelin missiles, argosies are gonners, youl get credits fast. Maybe you wanna be a little less agressive. If your targeted at a guy, press "a" i think it is, to point yourself at them. Rapier good. Lightning bad. Corvette, excelent. Help the rebels, their ships are faster, try EVO when you get bored.

      I could have worded this better eh?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Adzara:
      **If your anj aspiring pirate, arm up a scoutship with lazers and jovelin missiles, argosies are gonners, youl get credits fast. Maybe you wanna be a little less agressive. If your targeted at a guy, press "a" i think it is, to point yourself at them. Rapier good. Lightning bad. Corvette, excelent. Help the rebels, their ships are faster, try EVO when you get bored.

      I could have worded this better eh?


      along with the lasers and javelins get full thrust, turning and speed upgrads as well as the cargo space (if you do that you should get protons instead of lasers :)after all, you need creds, not space, then take on clippers, lightnings and any other forward firing ships you find, I can take out Kestrel occasionally in this. Just take out its lightnings and let it fire all its missiles and rockets.