I just downloaded this game a few days ago and I love it, but its really getting to frustrate me. I'm in a courier ship and if I've got missiles I can take out some argasys and I can take other courier ships and anything smaller without a hitch, but its given me heck trying to raise enough credits to get an argasy of my own...
I've bought a defender before trying to pirate the money, but I hate the defender cause it moves and turns so frickin fast I can't get centered in on a target... I guess that just shows my lack of skill. Or maybe I should just turn the game speed down?
Can anyone provide me with general tips of the trade (btw, I've got the entire confederation mad at me... they attack me on site usually, am I totally screwed?)
Then of course I tried the peacefull merchant way of getting a light freighter but that thing moves light a pregnant cow... sigh
somebody help me, please.
You pointin' that thing at me?