Ive been playing Ecape velocity for the longest time... And I never knew there was a message board Well, ive been playing EV on a really crappy mac that couldnt go on the internet... so 2 years later I was really boreed and decided to check out escape velocity on-line
Just wanted to say hello and im off to play over ride
( still not as good as the orginal )
Wow! A EV Community =]
8 15 277
Community? Where?
It died 3 months ago...AND NO PEOPLE I AM NOT GIVING IT UP!
tear it down -
Soviet mikee wrote:
**Community? Where?
It died 3 months ago...
**AMEN Brother. This community died right about the time they changed the boards.
Maybe they should take a hint, but they won't.Zaphod Beeblebrox
Hitchhikers guide to the Galixy,Mostly harmless,
The Resteraunt (sp) at the end of the universe,
So long and thanks for all the fish,
Life, The Universe, and Everything.
Zaphod Beeblebrox wrote:
AMEN Brother. This community died right about the time they changed the boards.T'is treason to agree with mikee the bastard.
— A n d r e w ˇ M —OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
The official (url="http://"http://localc.cjb.net/")Location Calculator(/url)!
mikee the bastard wrote:
Community? Where?
It died 3 months ago...Actually, it died 6 months ago, when you went Stalinist bastard.
— A n d r e w ˇ M —OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
The official (url="http://"http://localc.cjb.net/")Location Calculator(/url)!
(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 03-30-2000).)
Andrew M wrote:
**...when you went commie bastard.:p
**Hmmmmm right around the time CS and Jericon took over....
tear it down -
commie bastard
I would like to make clear now that Communism was not a bad thing. Lenin was not a bad person. The whole problem was Joseph Stalin giving it a bad image. That lead to many power-hungry and evil people.
Micah L (Aeon Productions) , (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com -
I agree with Micah. The USSR was not communist. It was stalinist. China is also stalinist. Cuba is somewere between Stalinism and true communism. The USSR and China have messed up the image of communism so much that many true communists, including myself, prefer to be called socalists. A good example of Socalism is Libya. Sure, it harbors terrorists, but what other middle eastern country dosn't. For more information, go to the Cyber Communist Party's website, (url="http://"http://ccparty.freeservers.com")http://ccparty.freeservers.com(/url) .
"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson
Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost
Some of you people that have been here a long time has to realize that this is the only community many newcomers to the webboards, myself included, have ever experienced. Sure, it's more like a endless FAQ bazzar, but still. Same thing as the EV/EVO websites. I personaly hate the new format. But someone new might think they are "really cool" because they never knew that it was once better.
"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson
Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost
A good example of Socalism is Libya.
A good example of a society that is as close to true communism as anything are Israeli kibbutzes. They are independent entities that are treated like corporations from the outside, but function like communes from the inside.
We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill... -
Actually, you can't have a communist country because it beats the entire purpose of Communism. It's not a political system, it's an ideology.
Just look at the very name of the USSR.... Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics. The country was led by the Communist PARTY. The party followed an idealogy, communism. And of course, the ultimate goal of communism is not to HAVE countries, and until that time you have socialist led nations under one authority....
BTW: Cuba is more like a dictatorship/socialism....
tear it down -
Actually, mikee, a communist country would be defined as a a nation with definite territories, the operation of which, and the actions of whose citizens, would be governed by a communist ideology. Decisions, ideally, would be made through a direct democracy. However, since such a gov't does not drive itself, overseers are always necessary. Such power gets abused, which is why we can't have a purely communist country of any respectable size.
We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill... -
Obormot wrote:
**Actually, mikee, a communist country would be defined as a a nation with definite territories, the operation of which, and the actions of whose citizens, would be governed by a communist ideology. Decisions, ideally, would be made through a direct democracy. However, since such a gov't does not drive itself, overseers are always necessary. Such power gets abused, which is why we can't have a purely communist country of any respectable size.
**The purpose of communism is not get RID of government. First government takes control of industry and business... than everything else. After the country takes over the world, after all boundaries and threats are abolished, then the country can safely reduce its government until a anarcho-communist world society results.... a utopia.
tear it down -
Micah L wrote:
**commie bastardI would like to make clear now that Communism was not a bad thing. Lenin was not a bad person. The whole problem was Joseph Stalin giving it a bad image. That lead to many power-hungry and evil people.
absolutely true, stalin wasnt a communist btw...and communinism is directly connected to community...this webboard should go communist!!! HAHA
Communism in it's purest form actually is a good thing. The idea that nobody is better than anybody else. In Communism, there is no money. Everybody works, produces as mush as they can, and shares throughout everybody. Everybody gets as much as they need, and nobody gets less or more. The problem is that there really HAS to be a leader. If there is a war, then who decides who gets to fight? and so on. Nobody can actually mannage true communism, and therefore when people try, it fails misserably. :mad:
Some good ideas have come out of Communism. Like Community, Commute. the idea that people are sharing the road, nobody is in charge, people sharing a small population, nobody is in charge. But it will never work in it's true form.
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