you are on a game company's website
Hi folks! If you came across this site and thought for some reason that Uplink was anything more than a game, you are wrong. We don't do real hacking, most of us don't know about real hacking, and nobody here will help you with real hacking. This is a game company's website, and these forums are for discussing their games. This particular forum is for discussion of a GAME called Uplink. In the game, players pretend as if they are hacking. But in fact, the hacking portrayed in Uplink is incredibly unrealistic and not instructional in any way, shape, or form.
If you are interested in various real-life security measures to protect yourself from real-life hackers, this is not the place to be either. Just Tech might be able to help you a bit, or at least point you in the right direction when it comes to spyware detection, firewalls, and other computer security issues. But they will not assist you in anything illegal, so don't bother to ask.