Originally posted by PCheese:
Features ACE has, but I don't know what they're supposed to do. Help me here:
Check... button
Game Menu
It sounds like Check would open a window that would go through your conversation, checking it.
Originally posted by PCheese:
(*)What should "New game" do? How about make a new World Data file with a single tiny level and a Dimbo sprite (for example) with info (0) set to conversation ID 128, then create a new blank conversation with an ID of 128, where the user can begin to edit it. Therefore playing the level would immediately allow the user to test the conversation. Or, should it just make a blank conversation in memory that should be "Save Into..."-ed by the user?
I think it should create a blank conversation.
Originally posted by PCheese:
(*)What types of preferences could a conversation editor possibly have?
The only one I can think of is what happens when you launch the conversation editor: If you get nothing, a blank conversation, or an open screen.
Originally posted by PCheese:
(*)What should the conversation editor be named? It isn't really Andrew's Conversation Editor anymore... (again, I propose ICE)
Not another acronym! How about just "Ferazel Conversation Editor X"?
Andrew went kinda button crazy with the interface--you need to scrap all those buttons on the side and place them in menus.
I think conditions and actions should woek like triggers in StarEdit. For example, if you clicked "new action" and selected the recieve trigger, in the window it would say "ferazel recieves <item number> <item> Then you'd click on item number and item to change their values, so It would say something like "Ferazel recieves 1 Gold Key." This would prevent you from having a zillion dialog boxes and a zillion popup menus.
The number one goal this conversation editor should have is that you shouldn't have to type in a single ID.
Good luck! I wish I could help you. :frown: Unfortunutely the only thing I could do would be beta testing. 
(url="http://"http://darkstorm.knkonline.net")Darkstorm Productions: (/url). Home of Ferazel's Wand: Orthographic Universe, MacBrickout: Pandemonium, and StarCraft-Battlefield: Sol | (url="http://"http://www.PetitionOnline.com/staredit/petition.html")Help Bring StarEdit, StarCraft's editor, to Mac OS X!(/url)
"The box said Windows 95 or better, so I bought a mac."