Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • A Present for the Adium Users

      7 17 3378

      I was bored this afternoon

      Posted Image Posted Image

      Contact List Style
      Status Icons
      Sound Set

      Enjoy. Make sure you follow the instructions on the Contact List page.

    • I'm the Mark!

    • Oh, so you do have an IM contact address! I wonder what it is...

    • Thanks much.

      mrxak's in my list too. How terrifying.

      Think I'm gonna keep the regular iChat bubbles with it, though. Just personal preference.

    • Hey, that's me on there! Sweet.

    • @soitbegins, on Jan 17 2008, 07:51 PM, said in A Present for the Adium Users:

      Oh, so you do have an IM contact address! I wonder what it is...

      I only give it out to people I actually want to talk to.

    • @mrxak, on Jan 17 2008, 07:02 PM, said in A Present for the Adium Users:

      I'm the Mark!

      I'm the Joe! (VIP Parking FTW)

      For the rest of those wondering, that ASW group is, in fact, for people from here. Also, I turned off last names for the screenshots.

      @rickton, on Jan 17 2008, 09:21 PM, said in A Present for the Adium Users:

      Hey, that's me on there! Sweet.

      Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's actually Frinkruds. I do have your screenname, but you're like, never online.

      @mrxak, on Jan 17 2008, 10:37 PM, said in A Present for the Adium Users:

      I only give it out to people I actually want to talk to.

      Yay! Go me! (Side note: mrxak and I seldom talk on AIM. #vacation is where it's at.)

    • Quote

      I turned off last names for the screenshots.

      It doesn't really matter, if you have the name-fu.

      Or the names, come to think of it. 😉

    • Woo! I'm not on their. 😉

      And I prefer iChat.

      This post has been edited by kickme : 18 January 2008 - 01:59 PM

    • @kickme, on Jan 18 2008, 01:57 PM, said in A Present for the Adium Users:

      Woo! I'm not on their. 😉

      You probably don't want to be on there considering how frequently they are tracing my computer.

    • @cippy, on Jan 18 2008, 01:11 AM, said in A Present for the Adium Users:

      Yay! Go me! (Side note: mrxak and I seldom talk on AIM. #vacation is where it's at.)

      Yeah, screw actually using AIM.

      @kickme, on Jan 18 2008, 01:57 PM, said in A Present for the Adium Users:

      And I prefer iChat.

      Yeah, me too. Adium has never been as stable or as customizable as it should be, and the new iChat is better than ever.

    • Unfortunately, Adium works where iChat doesn't - ie, I use MSN Messenger and GTalk and Yahoo and all that lot, which iChat fails to support.

    • iChat supports GTalk perfectly fine. iChat 4 has an option for the GTalk network.

      As for the others, it's possible to find, or create, a Jabber network that acts as a proxy for other networks.

    • But why, when Adium does the job just as easily, and with a duck too?

    • Because I only use GTalk, AIM and Bonjour. And they have audio/video chat + screen sharing 🙂

    • iChat Leopard > *

    • I use Leopard too and I still avoid iChat. Adium just has a better interface for me.

      Your mileage may vary.