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    • demo version

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      ive just got uplink downloaded and i got my rating up to about capable but then i got a message from the uplink corp that another corp had been hacked by me and traced me, but im sure that i deleted all of my logs whenever i came out.
      Is this a weird demo thing
      i am intending to buy uplink but i want to make sure this copy isnt screwed up 🙂

      This post has been edited by paddy : 28 November 2006 - 10:48 AM

    • Log deleting is a finicky process. Just keep trying and you'll get it.

    • You need to delete your logs at InterNIC or another bounce point, because the passive trace will find you.

    • i tried it again and i always bounced it through INTER NIC and then immediately deleted the logs
      i still think its something to do with the unregistered version

    • Please try using proper English, grammar, and punctuation. People will be much happier to help you if you make it easy for them to read your posts.

    • I apologise for my poor use of the english language allow me a second chance.

      i have recently obtained a copy of uplink. I believe that my rating is the highest that can be achieved on the demonstration version. However after approximately 2 months I was informed by the Uplink corporation that I had been cought practicing illegal activities on another systems mainframe.
      I am however sure that i deleted all my logs from InterNIC.
      Is this a strange phenomena on the unregistered version or is there another explanation
      yours truly Patrick sharkey

      This post has been edited by paddy : 28 November 2006 - 10:50 AM

    • I guess they just used a 'trace a hacker' mission to find you. That can happen if you use a log deleter version < v4

    • thank you for your time
      also how do you use a voice analyser i've got through the cypher and password but i don't know how to use the voice one 🙂

      i think its something to do with getting a sample but how is this possible

      This post has been edited by paddy : 28 November 2006 - 10:50 AM

    • Go to InterNIC and get the link to the public access server of the company you're trying to hack the mainframe/LAN of. It will have two contacts listed, the manager and the admin. Add the admin's phone number to your links.

      Run the voice analyser and connect to their phone. Once they hang up, DO NOT CLOSE THE VOICE ANALYSER. When you come to crack the voice analyser, run the recording using the play button on the voice analyser.