Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Game isnt working right..

      4 7 800

      When I started it up, message boxes didn't have any text in them and when I tried to click on the buttons they wouldn't work and I would have to move the mouse around to find a different spot to click. What is wrong?

      This post has been edited by poofy107 : 09 October 2004 - 04:31 PM

    • What message boxes, what text, what buttons?

    • Nevermind. I got to the point where I have to choose some spot on the map for a gateway or something and I click on New York and nothing happened.

    • Yeah! had that same issue. Here's what i did to resolve it:

      save out your user file so you don't lose it. Delete the rest of the game off of your hard drive. Download the game and re-install. All of a sudden i could see the LAN links and whatnot. Let me know how this works for everyone else.

    • Do what he says, then try preferences (sometimes works for me with graphics errors in other games).

      Otherwise, give David Dunham a jingle at his e-mail and see what he can do.

    • This game requires OpenGL, doesn't it..

    • I think so... that may be it. Did you check if your video card is up to par with the game's requirements?

      As I said, give David Dunham a jingle at his e-mail and see what he can tell you. Look for his account in the FAQs for all the games and get his e-mail or something.

      The David knows all... :laugh: 🆒