Help.... I would like to hack a user file, but really don't know how to do it.
Help.... I would like to hack a user file, but really don't know how to do it.
I think some parts are hackable, but there's a lot of stuff in there that's indecipherable. Try searching for text that you can recognize.
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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak
Well my goal is to find where it stores the amount of money I have in my accounts. Any ideas??
Write down how much you have, open the file, search for that number. I can't really suggest anything more than that.
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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak
If the file is redshirted, there's a way.
First, duplicate the agent file.
Open it in a text editor (TextEdit, SimpleText, WordPad).
Check the first word, maybe something readable, capitalized, and containing REDSHIRT. If there's one, the file is redshirted. If not, try unzipping it (open it with Stuffit Expander).
If the file is redshirted, decrypt it with RedShirtX, using the word (the password) we found some time before.
That all I can say.
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