Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How to hack a bank

      13 22 557

      I never did get a very straight answer from searching, but how do you rob a bank? I am able to gain admin access and find some account numbers, but when I log into those accounts, I can't transfer money to myself. I need money. Lots of money. What am I doing wrong (this is still fairly early in the game, and I am as of yet unregistered)?

      Here a slice, there a slice,
      everywhere a slice slice.

    • Click the Transfer button. You'll have to write down your banks IP and your account number, then enter it in. After you transfer, be sure to delete your statement. You have to have bypassed/disabled proxy and firewall. After you do this, goto your bank and delete your statements. Delete your regular logs and your home free with tons of cash.

      Trust is a weakness.

    • I suggest making a bank account in the server you are hacking, this way you can delete both statements on the same server, then head over to your first bounce to delete logs. I have 3 accounts other than my uplink account with one of my users, having 200,000, 300,000, and 3,500,000 credits in them, added with my 69,000 credit uplink account. Indeed you can get lots of cash. I also have the best gateway fully upgraded. IMO, though, hacking a bank gives you too much money and makes everything too easy, so I acctually havent touched any of the money I stole, I just hacked the banks to get my ratings up and get better missions.

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
      **I suggest making a bank account in the server you are hacking, this way you can delete both statements on the same server, then head over to your first bounce to delete logs. I have 3 accounts other than my uplink account with one of my users, having 200,000, 300,000, and 3,500,000 credits in them, added with my 69,000 credit uplink account. Indeed you can get lots of cash. I also have the best gateway fully upgraded. IMO, though, hacking a bank gives you too much money and makes everything too easy, so I acctually havent touched any of the money I stole, I just hacked the banks to get my ratings up and get better missions.


      Ah...self discipline. I gotta get me some of that.

      (url="http://"")- The Demented Cartoon Movie(/url)::(url="http://";=Ares+Trash+Talk&number;=12&DaysPrune;=2&LastLogin;=")Hmm, what could this be?(/url)

    • You don't seem to get it. I don't know how to hack the bank. I tried transferring the money, but the proxy denied me, or something. Start from the beginning and please tell me, what the hell am I doing?

      Here a slice, there a slice,
      everywhere a slice slice.

    • Okay. There are a number of security systems employed by banks to prevent you from doing exactly what you want to do, which is steal money. You're going to have to work to get exactly what you need to rob a bank, you can't just start now.

      First, you want to just do normal, easy missions until you get $20,000. Don't spend money on anything other than v4.0 of the Trace Tracker and Log Deleter. Once you get $20,000, buy a HUD_Connection Status upgrade. This is a very important little screen. Continue saving up until you can get a $25,000 Monitor_Bypass v5.0. This will let you crack passwords and get through firewalls and proxies without being traced. Save up again, and get a $20,000 Proxy_Bypass 5.0. Finally, get the $10,000 Firewall_Bypass 5.0. Another thing you want is a Decypher (not Decrypter) v3.0 for $8,000 for taking down Elliptical Curve passwords. Once you've got all that, you can get into just about anything without being noticed.

      Anyway, back to the bank's security systems. First you have to make an account for yourself, which I assume you have. Then you have to find an account to steal from, preferably one with lots of money. Once you find the correct account, go to the login screen for that account and type the account number in the "Name" field. Enable your Monitor, Firewall and Proxy bypasses now. Then use the password cracker on the password field and it'll find that account number's password. If you did everything right, you should have full access to everything in that person's account and you won't even be noticed. Transfer the money from their account to yours, delete the statements, delete the statements in your own account, and delete the logs from your first hop (should be the Uplink Test Server or InterNIC).

      Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
      -Edgar Bergen

    • Is it possible to do it for any cheaper, or does it require the highest versions? What if I hack into the admin and get the account numbers and passwords. Will that work any better?

      Here a slice, there a slice,
      everywhere a slice slice.

    • Hacking into admin essentially requires all the tools you see above, however...

      The reason he tells you to get the highest versions is the uneconomical upgrade path. You'd spend more money that way. If you, however, want to urgently get a lot of money, it is possible using a proxy_disable. Be sure to have a long hop path available. The procedure then becomes:

      1. Bounce through all the hops you have available; admin accounts preferred
      2. Enter target account number
      3. Start proxy_disable, get the finger ready on password_breaker
      4. The moment they start tracing you due to proxy_disable, run password_breaker. Give the latter maximum CPU time
      5. When in, quickly transfer the money to your account.
      6. When proxy_disable is finished running, clear the relevant logs from the statement
      7. Disconnect and clear InterNIC/UTS logs after you
      8. Connect to your bank statement, run proxy_disable
      9. Delete the relevant logs there
        10 Disconnect, clear logs

      This requires more skill than the bypass route because the bypasses will give you more time. Here, you'll be pressed for time constantly.

      Disclaimer: In cases of
      major discrepancy, it's
      always Reality that's got it

    • Thanks, psn. I'm actually trying to get the money so that I can buy the software to do it the safe way. 😉

      Here a slice, there a slice,
      everywhere a slice slice.

    • Katana, just accept a mission like "Check the financial state of one of our enemies" "Our esteemed colleuge wishes to make a donation", or one of those, and it GIVES you the account number of someone, making it so that you do not have to hack into the admin account, since the only thing you get from hacking the admin is account numbers...

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
      **Katana, just accept a mission like "Check the financial state of one of our enemies" "Our esteemed colleuge wishes to make a donation", or one of those, and it GIVES you the account number of someone, making it so that you do not have to hack into the admin account, since the only thing you get from hacking the admin is account numbers...


      If I was that far into the game, I wouldn't need the money. I am at the point in the game where you get missions to boost people's academic status and such.

      Here a slice, there a slice,
      everywhere a slice slice.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Katana:
      **If I was that far into the game, I wouldn't need the money. I am at the point in the game where you get missions to boost people's academic status and such.


      Well then, by the time you have enough money for all the software, you WILL be that far!! 😄

      Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordian.
      "You're dumb." -Rawzer to whitedevil and whitedevil2

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SlaVitiCkus:
      **Well then, by the time you have enough money for all the software, you WILL be that far!!:D


      No, I'm just going to use the proxy disable way of doing it. I am still only running the demo version, as I have not yet been able to register it.

      Here a slice, there a slice,
      everywhere a slice slice.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Katana:
      **No, I'm just going to use the proxy disable way of doing it. I am still only running the demo version, as I have not yet been able to register it.


      I undestand. But I think that the 'trace transfer' missions are the easiest way. Use whatever disable/bypass software you want and finish the mission, then go back (use lots of bounces!) and transfer the money to your account. I have used my Uplink account without a problem. BUT before you exit the account you are stealing from, make sure the proxy is down and use log_delete v.4.0 to get rid of the log. Then do the same on your Uplink account. Lastly, go to the server that you used for your first bounce (I use interNIT) and delete the logs from there.

      I have scored 1.7 million in two hacks that way.

      "Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it."
      - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
      There are things more annoying than using MS Windows... but I can never remember what they are.
      Obligatory (url="http://"")"E"(/url) Link.

    • Pertaining to banks: How would I go about verifying to my employers about bank accounts? They want to know the balance in an account, and I don't know how to do that.

      "Do you know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? Your's truly" CF/A-17 Wraith
      Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. -Napolean

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Noosesoldier:
      **Pertaining to banks: How would I go about verifying to my employers about bank accounts? They want to know the balance in an account, and I don't know how to do that.


      Use the info they gave you to gain access to the account, ie: the account number and use password_breaker to get the password. Click on the account info button and write down the balance, name, whatever info is needed. From there you close the connection, cover your tracks, and then reply to the email. Type in the requested info in the main field. Viola!

      "Always listen to the experts. They will tell you what can't be done, and why. Then do it."
      - The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
      There are things more annoying than using MS Windows... but I can never remember what they are.
      Obligatory (url="http://"")"E"(/url) Link.

    • Instant millionaire... hehe.

      "If your armor is >70% after battle, you are not a true warrior" -Me
      "God does not play dice" -Albert Einstein
      "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." -Albert Einstein
      Et je dirai: "C'est la vie!"

    • (/b)(/QUOTE)
      Use the info they gave you to gain access to the account, ie: the account number and use password_breaker to get the password. Click on the account info button and write down the balance, name, whatever info is needed. From there you close the connection, cover your tracks, and then reply to the email. Type in the requested info in the main field. Viola!


      They need more proof or something, I'll try just sending the numbers.

      "Do you know who the best starfighter in the fleet is? Your's truly" CF/A-17 Wraith
      Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily. -Napolean

      I got my newly millionary agent 'killed' because of that, bank won't trace you at all if you have a monitor bypass, but passive trace is still there too, do not forget to clean internic/utm log too...

      The other ting you can make to avoid lots of troubles, is to write aounte name/pass on a **** of paper : bank don't trace loged-in clients, but I think you'll still need to force/bypass proxi for cleaning transaction logs, but no longer need to hack admins log...

      If we see the light at the end of the tunnel, it's the light of an oncoming train.
      Robert Lowell
      Vous parlez français ? nous avons besoin de vous !!! (url="http://"")Site EVN Français(/url) (Venez nombreux)

    • Hi

      I am a complete and utter newbie on the subject, what OS do I need to do this bank heist,

      what is proxi disable, proxi bypass, Firewall_Bypass 5.0. , monitor bypass, Hud connection bypass etc...
      where can I find whitepapers on the matter ?

      can anyone help me on this ?

