Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Sorta Newb

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      I tried Uplink a few months ago, but I didn't like it much. Recently I gave it another shot and I think I got the hang of it now.

      On to my question: how should a fast tracker be dealt with? Sometimes I try to hack a system that will trace me in around 20 seconds (according to Trace_Tracker 4.0) and I wind up having to disconnect before I even crack the password, even while devoting 90% of my processor power to the password breaker.

      Also, is there any way to find out who the target of a hack is before I accept the mission? Usually when I contact the employer they give me some terse answer.

      The bake sale to raise money for the car wash has been canceled due to confusion.

    • If they trace you that fast it means that you need to add more jumps to your connection.

      of the EVula Plug.
      The NEW EMPIRE!!!!!!!

    • Try adding banks from INTERNIC then get a account with them it takes longer than just adding random systems. Also if you don't have a high enough rating in uplink the employer will just keep ignoring your request for certain info or for money. Basically all you can do is keep playing until they move you up the ladder, then see if they'll tell you more. Hope this has helped.

      Hopes and dreams are
      little things, yet they are
      enough to bring down
      Kings - Ralph Shipard

    • Fill your link list with dozens of IP adresses from Internic. Link through all of your links. And make sure you have your speed low as possible, on high speed 300sec can pass like 1...2...3...4..caught


    • the employers dont normally tell you who the target is because it dosent really matter, they tell you:'You wouldnt recognize the name' either because you could spread it or you really just wouldnt recognize the name 😄

      nemesis, oblivion... WTF!!