Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How Do I Steal Money From Banks On "Uplink"

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      Can Someone please tell me how to steal money from banks on "Uplink" without getting caught.
      Ive used Monitor bypss version five, proxy bypass version 5, trace traker version 3,password craker, decypherer version 2, and voice anaylysis. I can trranfer the money from peoples account but I always get my Uplink account revoked, Even though my trace traker sais they havent even started a trace.

      Please Help.


    • For future reference, Uplink questions should be asked on the (url="http://";=69&SUBMIT;=Go")Uplink board,(/url) not Just Chat. I'd answer your question, but I don't play Uplink.

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    • If you look on the Uplink board, you will find people who can answer this, and you will find that they have answered it many, many times.

      o/ and I try, oh my god do I try / I try all the time, in this institution / And I pray, oh my god do I pray / I pray every single day / for a revolution o/
      Tripps - "The intolerated, it often seems, are as intolerant as the intolerants."
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    • Moving.

      Captaintripps: Entertainer of the Millenium
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    • its a copy paste answer again, but it only takes ten seconds to stop many many people from hurting themselves over something so simple as the most FAQ.

      There are 4 steps to a successful bank hack. (and some prerequesites)
      The first is you must find an account with money to steal. The difficult way is to log in as admin and get all the accounts and go in each, the easy way is to get a mission where you "trace unauthorized money transfer" finish that mission and write down the account number and bank it got sent to, you can steal that million.

      Second you need to have an account to send the stolen money to. Use an account on the same bank as you are stealing from. Make sure you write down all the account numbers on a sheet of paper to use as you go.

      Third you need hud detector and monitor bypass v5, and proxy bypass v5, and Log deleter v4

      Fourth you need some bounces. I usually bounce through all the servers I have accounts on, hack into about 5 internal servivces machines and use them too, thats usually enough.

      Now the most important thing is that your first bounce must be through internic. You have to delete the log of your bounce through there or else they will catch you through a passive trace. Then bounce through all the other servers you have and connect to the bank. use monitor and proxy bypass. Log in the account you plan to steal from. send the money to your other account at the same bank. Now go to account statment, and delete the lof of the money transfer with log deleter, now log on your account at the bank, the one that recieved the money, and delete the log that you recieved the money. Now disconnect from the bank and log into internic. Go into admin and delete the log of the bounce(s) and that you logged in as admin. DO NOT DELETE THE LOG OF YOUR CONNECTION TO INTERNIC.

      If you did everything corectly you have succeeded. Put time in fast forward for a day or two to make sure before you do stuff and then find out you failed.

      Oh and I forgot the most important step. back up your guy before trying incase you fail.
      There are 4 steps to a successful bank hack. (and some prerequesites)
      The first is you must find an account with money to steal. The difficult way is to log in as admin and get all the accounts and go in each, the easy way is to get a mission where you "trace unauthorized money transfer" finish that mission and write down the account number and bank it got sent to, you can steal that million.

      Second you need to have an account to send the stolen money to. Use an account on the same bank as you are stealing from. Make sure you write down all the account numbers on a sheet of paper to use as you go.

      Third you need hud detector and monitor bypass v5, and proxy bypass v5, and Log deleter v4

      Fourth you need some bounces. I usually bounce through all the servers I have accounts on, hack into about 5 internal servivces machines and use them too, thats usually enough.

      Now the most important thing is that your first bounce must be through internic. You have to delete the log of your bounce through there or else they will catch you through a passive trace. Then bounce through all the other servers you have and connect to the bank. use monitor and proxy bypass. Log in the account you plan to steal from. send the money to your other account at the same bank. Now go to account statment, and delete the lof of the money transfer with log deleter, now log on your account at the bank, the one that recieved the money, and delete the log that you recieved the money. Now disconnect from the bank and log into internic. Go into admin and delete the log of the bounce(s) and that you logged in as admin. DO NOT DELETE THE LOG OF YOUR CONNECTION TO INTERNIC.

      If you did everything corectly you have succeeded. Put time in fast forward for a day or two to make sure before you do stuff and then find out you failed.

      Oh and I forgot the most important step. back up your guy before trying incase you fail.

      (url="http://"")Cheat 2(/url)
      Cheat in almost any mac game. Even Nova... Even UPLINK.

    • Heheheh. "Hurting themselves"

      Oh that's funny.

      Oh. That's Interesting. I
      wonder if I can hack it?

    • t is possible
      Break in as admin, search all accounts, get the number and password of any accounts
      disable or bypass proxy and monitor
      create an account at the bank
      go to a stolen account and transfer money to your account at the bank
      use log deleter to clear the statement on both accounts
      go back to admin and clear all logs

      It worked for me, with the right accounts u can get millions
      I got nearly 3 million, and havent been caught weeks later


    • don't be a moron and send it directly to your account... theyll catch u

      Be sure to check out a rad forum im an admin at where you can get comp help. Check it out at :