The first one doesn't exist, I can handle that.. I'll have my friend who has the pc vers give it to me. However, Trying to get into this second one (in the extras package) quite frusrating. I found (url="http://";=1186")this(/url) but is is of no help, where is this key file thing? And what is one time pad encrypting? And then there's this blah in the html file for book 2-
1234564651234561548945231324564 - 2.6Khz - 4564564123487548451656561616448
6782314897648763287623487623467 - 5.2Khz - 4748923785897298754238973287483
1234564651234561548945231324564 - 10.4Khz - 4564564123487548451656561616448
9939482813848903282398488499939 - 20.8Khz - 8299298474567729104857089372737
Little help?
"He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer