Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Challenges and other things to do

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      Has anyone tried the "Challenges" from Modlink? I tried the first one and couldn't do it so, I looked at the answer but, it was impossible to read. I'm really just looking for other things to do on Uplink. I'm surprised that the PC users haven't created new story lines. Or, is there a link that I haven't seen? Is it possible to create new stories?


    • Quote

      Originally posted by suydam:
      **Has anyone tried the "Challenges" from Modlink? I tried the first one and couldn't do it so, I looked at the answer but, it was impossible to read. I'm really just looking for other things to do on Uplink. I'm surprised that the PC users haven't created new story lines. Or, is there a link that I haven't seen? Is it possible to create new stories?


      I managed both the first and second challenges from modlink. Where did you get stuck in the first?

      I had to cheat a bit for the second one, because originally some of the clues were on the web or on IRC, and those clues are now gone. (It also contains several spurious "clues").

      The third and 4th look less interesting. (The 3rd is to trash as many computers as you can in 24 hours. This could be fun, but you don't really need a "challenge" to do it, and there is no longer anyone to compare notes with.

      Downlink ( (url="http://"") ) is about to start a series of challenges ... you have till this weekend to sign up. They already have about 300 people signed up (including me).


    • I managed to get signed up today, seems it's still possible 😉
      Thanks for the heads up

      "He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer

    • Quote

      Originally posted by joethebarber:
      **I managed to get signed up today, seems it's still possible;)
      Thanks for the heads up


      They seem to be having trouble getting it started. But that just gives us all a chance to sign up. Should be interesting. Looks like they have a "qualifier". I hope I make it through that <g>.


    • The word today at Downlink ( (url="http://"") ) is that the challenge will start Monday the 21st. So it's not too late even now to sign up!

      And there's going to be prizes.



    • need something to do? crack book 2! I still havent managed it.. (url="http://"")look here(/url)

      "He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer

    • Quote

      Originally posted by joethebarber:
      **need something to do? crack book 2! I still havent managed it.. look here


      I haven't managed it either, still stuck in about the same place, darn it. I think I just don't have the OTP system down. I'm going to have to play with it, with junk files, and see if I can manage to encrypt and decrpyt them.


    • indeed.. my otp is returning FFFFFFFFFF every time i try to decrypt something, and the file sizes match and all that. In theory, when you use "otp /d (decoded file, pages 22-23 from book example pic)" when the encrypted file (rimg#12) is set as otp.dat with the first 16 bytes stripped, making the file sizes the same, you should get a result that is the part of world.dat that was used to encode it. In theory.
      And on a different note, how about that qualifier for the downlink challenge? Easy as hell after all this book 2 crap, eh?

      "He has a company that makes computers. Or a computer that makes companies. Anyway, you wouldn't understand."-Homer