Originally posted by The Journalist:
**Greetings players, I just downloaded...I've done a few missions....quite a good game. Got a few problems, thoguht
First and most important: The game run infuriatingly slowly. Turning the color down imporves it, but it looks hideous. Aside from getting a better machine (real, as is Mac), any suggestions?
Play with the resolution, and the color (8-16-32 bits)
Rather silly: I can't figure out how to get rid of stuff in my memory. at the moment, I can't do copying missions.
As said, the file_deleter. and use the file_copier to move you program. Usefull with big copy missions.
Also infuriating: I have two missions involving breaking into the Acedemic Database. When I enter a name, it simply scrolls through all the names, then stops. I can't modify any information.
Erase the text in the box before entering the name. (esc) clear the selected field.
What I have, aside from the standard: 100 Ghz processer upgrade
Password breaker
Trace Tracker
IP SIfter (probably not the right name...how do I use that?)
Thanks and happy hacking,
Good start config.
Just one problem: You don't have a log_deleter. It's essential for covering your hacks and not being caught.
Buy one quickly.
Hope it help, and welcome in the "hacker" 's community. 
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